Thursday, April 26, 2007

Friday Night, Family Date night in Steveston....

I think we really must make a tradition of Friday night family date night, because it was so wonderful. All you need is a fabulous sunset over steveston and some starbucks in hand, a lovely spot to feed your child in private ( in our case the end of a pier) and there you have it Friday night family date night.... now end this rain so we can do it again!

more pics....

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Good Friends Good Fridays

One Fantasically Fabulous Good Friday!
These are my Friends, well some of them, some of the best. And It was lovley to see them. Beth was visiting from Calgary, I hadn't seen Ali in months, Jess thankfully I get to see every so often ( although still not as much as I'd like to) and Vince, whom I seriously hadn't seen in YEARS and on Good Friday found out that from my front living room you can see the blinds to his bedroom. Yes He lives one street in front of me.
Anyways I'd been getting these amex bills in the mail addressed to it turns out his mom! They have the same address # as us too but a different street name. So today he got a package for me addressed to his house! And I just can't believe how the craziest things can pop old friends back into your life. He walked over with my package today and came in for a chat, and it was nice. It was more than nice, it meant I actually spoke to someone who has a full command of the english language and who doesn't shit their pants 8 - 12 times a day ( we are getting down to 8 times for those interested!) We talked a lot of old friends we met in theatre camps and what they're up to now, and it's nice to be brought back sometimes, Because sometimes I forget I had these whole other lives before this one that I'm living. And I like to be reminded of them because they were wonderful.
Thanks Vince

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Can't blame this one on sleep deprivation!

Wednesday: Perfect child graces us with an amazing nights rest, mom & dad wake up refreshed & ready to finally start the day for the first time in weeks. After baby's breakfast perfect child goes for a beautiful 2 1/2 hr morning nap on my chest, I being so rested enjoy every moment and just watch him breathe and sniff his beautiful baby scent in.
We then have a wonderful breakfast for me where perfect child does not scream and grunt once while I am eating. I do dishes actually tidy up a bit feed him then head out to buy material for baby sling project. 5 People at Fabric Store stop me to tell me how gorgeous my perfect child is. We buy some cute material and head to Steveston for awonderful walk in the glorious sunshine. We buy cute baby clothes and espresso beans and mommy even treats herself to a macadamian nut latte, which tasted divine, we walk through the park smiling at the other perfect mothers with their perfect offspring and make our way back to the car, where yet another person has to stop us to tell us how gorgeous Cole is. We say goodbye I pack Cole into the car, then pack the stroller into the trunk ( with some difficulty) and close the trunk shut...... I stand there for a minute, and wonder where did my latte go? Then it hits me, It's still in the cup holder of the stroller which I have folded up and shoved into the trunk.

*** upon arriving home, after feeding screaming perfect child dumb ass mom spends like 47 minutes cleaning macadamian nut latte off stroller.

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

First Smile caught on Camera!

I know, he is the universe's most gorgeous child....
Cole is 2 months old, if you go by actual fact he was 2 months on monday but if you go by dates and stuff he's actually 2 months today.
What I have learned in the last 2 months...

1) Living off 5 hours of sleep a night is doable but only with excessive amounts of coffee
2) No matter how badly you need coffee, and no matter how sleep deprived you may be, and regardless that there is absolutley no milk for your coffee, it is NOT, under any circumstances acceptable in any way shape or form to use breast milk.
3) Because of the excess volume of caffine in my system, due to the need for said coffee because of sleep deprivation, it is really a day to day thing of deciding if the pro's outway the con's. Because babies on caffine on Monday I can deal with after a nice weekend with Jer home to help, babies on Friday after a LONG ass week with little help....... I do Decaff.
4) I actually went out in public today with baby puke on my blouse cuff, and I was okay with it. I actually rolled up the puke cuff and went on with my day..... This definatley I think is the golden, welcome to the motherhood society innitiation.
5) Having a baby is probably the best diet in the world, you are so on the go, and never have time to eat and you look great really fast after popping the little guy out! Hello I fit into 5 pre-preg jeans!
6) Regardless off all the hard nights of no sleep, I still want 3 more....
*I'm sure my husband will have something to say about this last comment.... but women hold so much more sexual power over men.....Okay more pics of my cutie Plumpkin...

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Shameless Plug...

If you or anyone else needs a wedding, funeral, anniversary yadda yadda yadda singer for any events please pass on this link, buisness cards being sent to the printer hopefully next week. I finally have my website up and running, check it out....

Monday, April 02, 2007

Update Update.....Baby smiles for first time

and his mom wasn't even there to see it! Ack me - I'm the one who did all the work to GET him to this milestone, and I wasn't even there to see it! He's trying for me though, I'm getting the Elvis lip quivers right now, so he's working on it.
On a happier note, I made baby Dawson giggle for the first time this past Sunday at our baby CPR class!
Okay Pictures of the oh so adorable one.......