Friday, February 18, 2011

The Many Cakes of Cole

This First one was beautifully contructed by my sister Jessie

This one I went a wee bit wedding overboard on for his party and of course decked it out with Wall-e figuries (Cole LOVES wall-e he says because there are no bad guys)

This one was made for Cole's little bday celebration with lola and lolo and ron

and this one was honestly just scrap cake from making the three tiered one - mamma just got creative and made it a "C" cake! Hee hee

4 Cakes for 4 years??? I hope this tradition doesn't stick!
Ha ha!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our Third Bedroom...

Today is a day for snuggling. My sweet K has been feeling under the weather (she's definatley on the mend) but I am feeling a wee bit of a tummy rumble (that better be gone by tommorow) so today we are snuggling in our "new room" By new room I mean the bottom bunk on Cole's new bunk beds. This new bunk has become my haven. I had NO idea how much a bunk bed could change my life! With having two kids in a two bedroom, this little peaceful retreat has become my sanctuary. When Cole's gone to bed up top, and K's asleep in our room, and Jer is watching something in the living room, and all I want to do is curl up with a book, I head here. To the "cave" as cole has dubbed it. I sewed up some curtains, and strung up some white lights and I bring my tea and a good book here for some me time. Best idea ever this bunk bed!
So today we snuggle and read ooooodles of robert munsch books....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I have a crawler...
and my life will never be the same!
Sweet K is teething up a storm and is my vampire baby (fangs for teeth but nothing in the middles!) but not for long because she just broke her front left tooth today!