Saturday, August 30, 2008

Summer Lovin had me a blast, summer lovin happened so fast.....

*Fall will always and forever remain my truest most favorite and oh so wonderful seson.

But Summer... oh summer, we have had fun, but I can see you slipping slipping slipping slowly away. The evenings are cooler, the days shorter, and I believe this will be the last big summer weekend in summer events for us.
Summer has always held a special place in my heart. Not because of the hot sunny days (I hate the HOT) or because the sun stays out longer ( I much prefer dark candlelight fall evening listing to sarah, drinking a great wine, and breathing the cool crisp air of fall) but regardless, it is still a special time. Special because the summer of 2001 ( I think) was probably the most funest and most enjoyable season EVER for me. It was the summer I had finally ended a pathetically degraded and worthless relashionship of 4 years with a moron (don't blame me he hid this fact from me for like 3 years and 364 days) the world was my oyster, I considered becoming a lesbian, I joined the cast of Grease, I stayed out till 2 am every night after rehearsals were over ( mostly just laying on the beach with some of the funest people i have ever met playing guitar) and still got up at 5 for work,I was introduced to Dave Matthews and will never be the same again, I experienced life and the way I always want to live it for the first time, I realized you don't have to be normal ( and actually it's way better to not be) I figured out you do not need a 9-5 job with good pay and benefits ( that sucks your soul) to be fulfilled, that you need a lot less money than you think to be truly happy, that you do not need a huge house to raise a family, that you can do ANYTHING your heart desires and you put your mind to, that their are very generous only children out there, oh and I met Jer.
So summer still holds that nostalgic feeling of that first true summer for me, if that makes any sense. So as I do so look forward to fall and all it brings, I still bid goodbye to this summer with a wee bit of regret, did I do everything I hoped to have done? No, but there really isn't ever going to be enough hours in the day to, but I still think it was pretty smashing. Here are a few pic's from today.... auntie Caitlin and Uncle paul came for a one day visit from Calgary and after lunch we headed out to the crazy cool park they built by my parents house (No plastic! It's all raw materials) and took some pics.... enjoy, tommorow the PNE!

Friday, August 29, 2008

how'd ya like them apples..........

I won't talk about it, in fear of jinxing it, but let's just say we are aquiring more than 4 and a half hours sleep straight in a night......holding breath..... and not saying anything more...
okay so this being the true last long weekend of summer, we're booked. Jessie has left today, Caitlin and Paul get in any hour now, Brunches are to be had, movies to be watched, kettle corn to be consumed, and Many baby animals to be petted, birthday cake to be eaten, and songs to be singing, and right now there is one dirty flat to clean up before nap time.... I will leave you with some pictures of our apple picking adventure in my parents backyard the other evening!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bye Bye Auntie Jessie.....

Last night we said goodbye to auntie Jessie. She leaves Friday morning for T.O. For about two years. This is going to be very hard for me to have both my sisters gone. I often feel like that looser in the Dixie Chicks song, when they sing "Living in the same zip code as their parents do..." Sometimes I wonder if I should have ventured somewhere on our own, our own little family that is.... Wishing Jessie loads of luck and a nice cozy winter!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


we were up every hour last night..... on the hour. It was hell.
But it was all worth it when I woke up to a sweet little boy giving kisses to his mommy and daddy to get them up outta bed!

This morning we had a lovley coffee and banna muffin morning at our friend and neighbors across the pool! And we started on making those bibs I have been trying to do for ever but since i have no sewing skills at all have needed some guidance! It is soooo wonderful to do something with my hands, I have been craving doing scrap booking but with cole around just not going to happen!
Anyways house is a disaster and we have an afternoon playdate and then dinner with daddy and then on to auntie jessie's to say goodbye before she leaves for T.O
Sad, but then we get to see Auntie Caitlin on Friday!
But now both aunties and sister's will be in different provinces and I am pretty darn sad about this. Skype will be getting a lot of action I'm sure.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


We're working on them, trying to keep nap time similar to night time. Wee bit of boobie, then books and teeth brushing then into bed awake and out. Night time, no problem, Naps...... that's another story. Today I gave in (boobie till eyes out) I was just too darn tired of the screams, and had so many things running through my head of what i needed to get accomplished during the precious 1 hour I get to myself. First priority: Clean the filthy kitchen. Check. Second: Blog ( I have decided this is nessesary for my sanity. Facebook makes me angry latley. This seems to have a nice calming effect on me and I feel like I have vented, yet am still connected, you know?
Anyways next priority was to clean up my closet. Thanks to my dear dear friend Cheryl I inherited some lovely sweaters and a couple skirts yesterday. Jer also lucked out with some of JP's old pants ( and by old I mean mabye MABYE worn twice (he probably had em out on the line and didn't like the way the smelt) some still had tags on! I love hand me downs LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM! But I think that will have to wait. because next up is reading a bit of "the family" by Mario Putzo. or watching the entire first season of Tudors so I am all ready for season two that starts this upcoming week i believe! You know, I think I will just take a nap instead

Monday, August 25, 2008

28 years

The Numbers:
1: Night of 4 minute sleep
1: Night out in the woods
1: Child who has discovered camping is the best possible thing in the world
173: Dollars spent on the most delicous and enjoyable dinners shared by some seriously sleep deprived parents
4: Blocks walked carrying my beautiful birthday shoes from Irene
5: Compliments on beautiful birthday shoes in the 5 hours I had them on
1: Bottles of wine
12: Different types of desserts consummed this weekend
1: Night of 7 hours of sleep (uninterupted by screaming child)
372: Times my child giggled and laughed at all his crazy relatives yesterday
6: Cups of Coffee consumed
148: Lovley birthday wishes given
2: Movies watched, Rainman and the new X-Filed
9: Sci Fi geeks attending x-files all by their lonsome
3: women who either got dragged by their sci fi geek partner, or just wanted to see the x-files
4: Loads of laundry done
17: Washed diapers
3: bags of groceries bought
4758,90999: Hours of Elmo digested
456: Kisses Given by my beautiful son

Monday, August 11, 2008



white gold ring
beautiful centre round diamond
four leaf shaped peridots surround
held up in front it looks like a tulip....

owner is distraught, depressed and cannot for the life of her even remember the last time she had it on, therefore is having a hell of a time locating it...

If it isn't found....
what are ya'll suggestions.... do i replace it (the only way i would is to make an exact replica) or leave it? or what..... has anyone had this happen to them... or a friend.... i need some assurance i am not the only dufus on the planet....
okay enough with the .....'s
send finding vibes my way PLEASE!!!!