Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Kýrie's Birth

So It's obviously been a while, and I was thinking last night as I nursed my sweet girl that I need to start documneting. With Cole I documented (as much as I could) here and kept a wee note pad in my bedside table but for my sweet Kýrie, I havn't posted or written anything down. So I shall start with the Birth so that I can always remember the adventure that it was....
So it was a tuesday the 6th of April to be exact. And i headed out to my prenatal appt exhausted, sleep deprived and feeling extremley emotional. I was done, i mean you saw my belly on facebook right? My sweet sweet doc says to me "don't take this the wrong way but you look like poo" I said I havn't slept in 5 days i am soooo uncomfortable and I just need to sleep. So she says you should have told me earlier I am giving you a prescription sleeping pill (that will not hurt the babe) so that you get some sleep, because you need sleep to birth this baby out, can you imagine going into labour tonight you would have no energy....
So I drop Cole off with my mom, and I head out to teach my 3 hour theatre class to grade 4 students ALL ALONE because my partner was in tech week. If i was tired before i was beyond exhaustion now.
I drove to my moms to have some dinner, pick up cole and jer and head home. While at my moms I started feeling wierd pangs. I turned to Jer and said "ha, wouldn't that be just so wonderful me going into labour at the most tired i have ever been in my entire life!) So we drove home - meanwhile i was having contractions super lightly every 3o mins or so. This was around 6"45 ish
So we put Cole to sleep, and I attempted to walk around and sit on the ball and had a bath. I had wanted to stay home for as long as possible with this one...
I knew, I knew that I had to keep walking around and sitting on the ball to keep the labour progressing, but i was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tired. SO i decided to try to go to bed and get some rest to gear up for what was to come.
Of course I couldn't sleep, I was waaaaaay to excited so Jer and I laid in bed talking about what was to come and how our lives where changing and wow how excited we were to meet our baby girl at last. Of course because i was lying down the labour I knew would slow but i didn't yet.
Around 1am we started talking of how we would have to wake cole and drive him to his friend jakobs house for the night and how we were so nervous that he would scream and not want to be woken up. But he was a superstar. We made it sound so fun and he was such a sport. Gave him so fruit gummies for the short drive to their house and he said to us" mommy and daddy i am soooo excited to meet my baby sister tommorow!" then he said it must be waaaaaay past my bedtime because it is very dark out here! What a cutie. So we dropped him off at Stacey's all the while me having contractions, and he went straight upstairs where Stacey had a mini dinosaur hunt for him to keep him happy and then he went straight to sleep in his own room and didn't wake until morning when Jakob came in to see hime!
Anyways we headed to the hospital, must have been aroud 2:30 -3ish when we got in and admitted. Got brought to a beautiful room. I told the nurses that it was lovlier than most hotels i'd been in! Then i did some ball work and we called my mom because she sooooo wanted to be there. Then we called my friend Helen who was my doula too.
My mom came shortly and then the nurse asked if i wanted an epidural. I had said i wanted to try again without, because for Cole's beautiful birth I had gone the entire birth until the last 17 minutes (pushing ) without it. So I only got 17 minutes of relief! But then they told me the anesthesiolist was here and lived in white rock and was going to go home so I probably wouldn't have a chance at one if i didn't get it now. I panicked and said i want one. I knew i shouldn;t have because i knew it would slow my labour down.
Anyways they brought the AWFULL doctor in and he took 1hour and a half to put it in! He poked me in numerous places and was digging the needle in and turning it this way and that, he was sooo rude had no bedside manner and kept telling me not to move because a lady moved the week before and was now paralyzed! So i went through an hour and a half of contractions bent over in complete stillness ( it was HELL) if i had just laboured that hour and a half i bet you she would have been born in that time!) anyways when he finally got it in - he hadn't even done it right and i still felt everything on my left side! The nurses were worried but i said just leave it i don't want him back in here - especially since he kicked my mom out and i didn't mind feeling the labour progress. This was around 4 i guess. Then my labour slowed right down like i knew it would and They had to put me on pitocin, to restart. I was peeing like every 15 minutes into my bedpan! So thankful for helen who emptied it for me all those times! Labour is sure glamourus!The nurse tried to break my water but it wouldn't budge! at 6 jer was eating my breakfast i was trying to sleep but couldn't, he had just put down his coffee cup when i screamed because my water had broke with such amazing force and power it scared the crap outta me! Then the labour really began. My mom and Helen came back from their breakfast and my amazing nursed kicked into high gear. Dorothy helped me not push when i sooooo wanted to (b ut couldn;t because the baby was tooo high up and might get a prolapsed cord)and then she gave me all these different positions to push in when i finally could - I can still hear her yelling "poo that baby out! Poo that baby out!" loved her. Then The doc showed up, i was love love loving the bedsheet tied to the labour bar and pulling on it, it felt sooo good!But the doctor said she had to take it down, i very not nicley said why are you taking my bar away, she said she would bump her head on it every time she went in, I then said (in my labour induced rage) "why do we need doctors anyway? the nurses do all the work, the doctors just show up for the last 10 minutes...aggggh looking back on myself i laugh out loud, i just hope the doc's do too! I am sure they have seen it all! Well then I pushed, I pushed and pushed and pushed and unlike Cole's beautiful birth the pushing was longer and of course because of the faulty epidural i felt it all - I grabbed anywhere i could and remember being in a lot of pain, grabbed my moms boob and twisted the life out of it - she told me later she didn't want to say anything because she felt so bad for me in all the pain i was in! Then my sweet baby girl came out and they put her on my belly, she had a short cord so she couldn't come up but my mom and jer got to cut it. They kept her cord attached for about half an hour and watching the colour of life pump through her was amazing! Then they stiched me up and that was almost as painful as the labour! She weighed 6lbs 14 or 15 oz still am not sure. But was a whole pound and 3or 4oz more than her brother!
So now we are catched up....
until the next time....