Friday, December 11, 2009

Things have been wonderful around here. At this time of year I am always extra thankful to be able to be home with Cole. There is so much celebrating to do. Cookies to bake, gifts to make, walks to take, cards to decorate...the list goes on. I am finding such joy in Cole these days, watching him experience all the goodness of the season is the best gift ever. Daily he surprises me with something new he's learned. He speaks so much and so often with such a vocabulary now, I Can't even remember him not talking. He's funny, he listens (most of the time) and he is truly a very good boy. He has worked through a lot of the toddler sharing issues and is very gracious about taking turns and sharing. He sleeps FINALLY! From about 8 - 8 and we are attempting to get back on track with naps and it's working. He is done potty learning and hasn't had an accident in months. (We still use a diaper at night because I'm not ready to deal with that amount of laundry) but all in all he really is an angel, and he's up from his nap so I gotta go!

Friday, December 04, 2009

and it's december!

Wow, the fall just flew by this year. And here we are in December. So far a Beautiful December! Cole and I have been taking some wonderful walks around our lovley neighborhood, and thouroughly enjoying the fresh crisp air and all that the day's are offering, wether it be ducks, christmas lights, playdates, lunches with friends, the demolition of houses, christmas baking, and finally listening to something other than Bono. It has been wonderful, and I'm feeling a wee bit sentimental over the fact that this will be the last Christmas I share just with my sweet Cole. I know the future will be wonderful and all that but there is some sadness to thinking the days with just my first babe are coming to a close.
So I've been using the energy I have to prepare. I have definatley started nesting, I started this early with Cole too, so it must be just me. So far, we have recieved some extra baby boy clothes, maternity clothes of course, and a sweet friend who has decided not to plan to have any more children gave a bunch of stuff to us for our babe. Some cloth diapers, a beautiful moses basket, nursing pads, some disposables for the begining and a schwack load of recieving blankets. So me and my grandma got busy and made 30 cloth prefolds for infant size. We didn't start using cloth with Cole until he was almost 6 months, so I had no infant diapers. But I sure had a bunch of recieving blankets, some beautiful fleece my grandma had and some towels that we haven't used since we got them for wedding presents 6+ years ago. So with the help of grandma and the pattern from Amanda Blake Soule's handmade home, I made my own! I am quite proud if I do say so myself. And then luckily today, out of the blue New and Green had a 20% off sale on bummis covers! So I ordered four. So we are almost all set. I still haven't decided if we are going to use the cradle, the moses basket or the pack in play with insert in our room yet....but we'll figure it out. The only thing we need is to eventually get a double stroller. I have been humming and hahing over this one for a while, and am still not fully decided. I know Cole is walking a lot now, and will when he's three, but I love my walks along the dyke into Steveston and I can't even expect a three year old to walk there, then play for two hours and walk home. So I think we may have to bite the bullet and get one!
Had a bit of an ultrasound scare this week. Went last friday, and on monday and tuesday and wednesday recieved three different calls from three different doctors (including my gp who yes gets my info sent to her but isn't even dealing with my pregnancy) making sure I am following up on my ultrasound results, but took a few days for them to tell me why...very frustrating, I am still a bit nervous, but have been told by two doctors and the receptionist not to worry everything looks good, they just didn't get all the pictures and in turn results they needed. So I go back on tuesday. Which looking at the silver lining is a chance for us to find out what we are having. When we went last week the baby's foot was covering it's privates and so the tech who tried for an hour and 15 minutes couldn't even guesstimate. So this may be our chace. It's funny we did not want to find out with Cole, but this time having a hubbie and a son who are dead set on a girl....if it's a boy they may need some time to prepare! And then it will give me some time to ask my two friends with girls for their stash of girls clothes! So keep your fingers crossed.
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend