Monday, January 29, 2007

Okay one more...

Because she's just too darn beautiful too...
This is Chiasa Loren the lovely daughter to Cheryl and Coy...
And I couldn't give her up the entire night. Isn't she gorgeous and she SLEPT like the whole night.
I can't wait, I can't wait, I can't wait....
32 days peeps.......

So we made a belly cast....

Why does everyone think that's so weird? I think it's pretty darn beautiful and amazing and I'm darn tooting proud of this growing body of mine to be doing the incredible job that it's doing, (yes I'm done with the backaches and leg cramps in the wee hours of the morning and my swollen puffy pig cankles) but I still think it's an amazing thing the woman's pregnant body, and I want to capture that for all eternity. So on Saturday we made a belly cast. It was fun, and we didn't even fight that much, except of course when Jer put the plaster strips on not quite perfect and I had to keep moving them and sighing and all that, but it's done, well the first stage so I thought I shall show you the first picture, I am hoping to decorate sometime this week, what with all the free time I am supposed to have now, but the days are slowly filling so you may need to wait a little longer. But anyhoo here is step one. Complete and Beautiful!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Paris and Prague touched me in a way I've never been touched before

We have 39 days until The Peach is born, I don't think that's enough time to go to Paris do you? Oh yes and after week 36 I can't fly... does anyone have a boat?
I miss you Paris

Friday, January 19, 2007

Our adugable baby....

First off thank you all for the concerned phone calls after reading the last post! I love gory pictures like that, and although some of you also share that sick and twisted love, not all do and so I will post something new so you don't have to see Jer's bloody ear.

So these are the latest ultrasound pics. Our smushed up (dare I call my baby U*g*y baby pics?) Okay I take that back, my baby is beautiful, it's just that it's smushy, The first one kinda reminds me of those tissue box holders that look like the rock formation thing you know. Anyways the profile is cute the feetsies are cute but dude the face.... what is with that face, you can tell it has my nose and Jer's lips, but what is with the smushy eyes????? Okay I know I am a horrible mother, and it still has a month and a half to get hot. Let's hope it works on that, Mommy and Daddy are banking on baby modeling to pay for a house, and some college education.... So work it kid, Work it.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

This is Why I havn't blogged....

Yup my darling sweetie, had his ear surgery. His what SHOULD have been simple "DAY" surgery. This however is NOT what transpired. Simple Day surgery turned into a nightmare of serious complications. Every complication you can imagine. First off he stopped breathing during surgery, and so he is being sent to a sleep apnea clinic, because it looks like he has a pretty severe case of it. This stopping breathing while on anesthetic put stress on his heart and lungs and to top it off he supposedly pulled out his breathing tube while coming to. ( HOW YOU CAN DO THIS WHILE ON ANESTHETIC AND WHILE YOU ARE BEING WATCHED BY HEALTHCARE PROFFESIONALS IS BEYOND MY COMPREHENSION) So because of pulling this tube out, his lungs deflated, it created a negative suction which filled his lungs with fluid. So he was put on the Darth Vader mask as they call it ( Ventalin ) and it was locked on his face and did all the breathing for him - because his lungs where not capable. He was on this for a day and a night, and then slowly each day graduated down to positve pressure oxygen masks for the reamainder of his stay. Oh and every time he removed the mask his blood oxygen saturation levels dropped way below normal so he stayed. He stayed at the hospital until late friday night, we came home Saturday afternoon. Oh yes and the liquid in his lungs - got infected and he got Pneumonia. Fun times at Surrey Memorial.
But that's not all
Yesterday we went for a follow up with his surgeon, to find out how the actual surgery went. You know to see is the 98% chance of gaining his hearing back was succesfull....
heres' the scoop
When the doctor went in, first off he noticed that Jer's ear bones are congenitally deformed, so the procedure was a little more complicated. Also while going in there is the nerve that works your whole side of your face, well Jer's unlike most peoples is completley exposed, so if the ENT wasn't careful Jer would have had permanent paralysis on the whole side of his face. So because of having to work around this difficulty, it took a little longer, and to top it all off while trying to get to the bone that needed to be removed, another bone slipped loose that shouldn't have and he had to cut a piece of Jer's earlobe off to get the fat from it to hold the bone in place. So with all these complications Jer's chance of hearing improvement has dropped from 98% to 50%. So all this could be for absolutley NOTHING, and he'll just have to get a hearing aid after all.
Ya so that's why I havn't blogged in a while.....

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

blah bum bug

So the holidays are over. And really all I can say is WHAT HOLIDAYS. Yes my friends, I am sick again. Am on the mend but nonetheless sick again. This time with a fever and antiobiotics and snot. Happened on Boxing day. So all our parties and fun filled events that were planned this passed week, cancelled. As we lay in bed, (seperate beds might i add) and fight off the sickness. So really I don't even feel Christmas even happened this year. What a croc. Or New Years for that matter. Double croc. So I'm just going to post some of the VERY limited amount of fun holiday pics and leave it at that. Merry Ba hum bug and a happy blue year....Poop