Tuesday, March 23, 2010

35 weeks

well we are still pregnant over here. It's funny because technically I should still be pregnant, I am only 35 and a half weeks, but I just can't see myself going past Easter. Of course that means i will, go long past Easter, which is a good and uncomfortable thing i guess. I feel like I just want to have this baby, but at the same time I am truly starting to get a bit weepy. Knowing this will probably be our last child, it feels so sad, that I will never get to do this again. I can't believe I won't ever get to feel those sweet kicks, or hiccups, or summersaults or watch my belly just roll with baby. I know, I'm totally harmonal. But I feel like i need to savour savour savour, i feel like i didn't savour as much of this pregnancy as I could have. Being so sick for the first few months, I truly didn't savour anything. And now i feel like I have to catch up. I could have this baby next week for all I know, and I wonder will I have really enjoyed as much of this beautiful experience as I could have? I'm not sure I have.
In the meantime I am going nuts with nesting, still (my gosh does this end when the baby comes???) My home is spotless, smells beautiful and fresh. I have easter decor up on the door which Cole and sewed together. I sewed just one more diaper this morning and stitched up another sling, I think I will make one more sling just for the heck of it, mabye something Jer can wear you know? I sewed some clippies for the buggy, and vaccummed twice all today! This is truly nuts. I hope it ends when baby comes because it would be just too much!
keeping you posted....

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Photo blog of things i've made or painted or done something too, in prep for bambino!
Can you guess what we are having based on the closet organization????

40 weeks????

Well it looks like I may be even earlier than april 4th (which is my doctors guesstimate, which is even earlier than my first due date of april 24th!)
I am now measuring 40 weeks and frankly she has know idea what to tell me. All she's said is go home pack your bags and be prepared, because truly we have no idea when this wee one is coming!
So keep your fingers crossed, i am soooooooooooooooooo ready to not be pregnant anymore (except for the kicks, how i will miss those sweet kicks)

Monday, March 08, 2010


Oh how I wished to be able to post more but alack life has it's on plans. Things are good. I have a terrible head cold and allergies which are turning those last few weeks of pregnancy (which I am trying my best to savour) a little sour. I miss my advil cold and sinus more than you can ever know.
Cole is better, still a wee bit of a cough, but much better. I think the poor kid is going a little stir crazy with having to be cooped up last week because of his cold and then starting off this week (and what i think will be the whole this week) being cooped up as well due to mamma's cold. Oh well it's good preparation for when the baby comes.
Speaking of the baby, I again with this pregnancy am measuring farther along than thought. I am 33 weeks (34 on friday) and am measuring 38 weeks. This happened with Cole too, and he was born at 37 weeks so here's hoping it happens again with this one. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have this baby early, even if it happens on easter weekend, I am so ready to meet the wee one! We have the kids closet all set up and it feels good to have everything all ready to go. Our friends have been so unbelievably generous with hand me downs and lending us baby stuff I feel like we are so unbelievably prepared, I just need the babe so we can start using it all!
Tommorow we go for another ultrasound (since i am measuring farther along) so it will be fun to see the baby and get some last in utero pictures.
I feel a little sad that I didn't end up getting maternity pictures taken. That was the one thing I really really wanted to do. I didn't do it with Cole, I did do a belly cast with him, but I always swore I would do maternity pics with this one and my friend who is studying photography (is also an actress) has head down to L.A for casting season. I am hoping if I feel better in the next week or so I will get myself all dolled up and try snapping a few myself with the tri-pod.
Other than that life is just ticking away. I have been indulging in pregnancy massage at turning point with J and it has been amazing. I think I will cry when I reach my yearly limit which i am assuming will be within the next two or so visits! I have been going a lot!
Our home is ready, our hearts are ready, we have finally settled on a name.....we just need the baby!