Thursday, November 12, 2009

home again home again

home again home again...

We had a wonderful time in maui. It really was beautiful. And Jer and I still can't get over how amazingly adaptive Cole was. Mabye it was my tremendously low low low expectations of this being a lot of work, but honestly we both agreed it was a piece of cake. He was amazing on the plane, amazing with getting in to our condo at 2 am, amazing for all the car rides, (especially the crazy hana highway which was hairpin curves and took us about 8 hours) He was soooooo good! It really made for an amazing family vacation. I definatley think we could not have done this last year but at 2.5 and with a full extensive vocab it worked out swimmingly.
And that is what we are all missing the most right now, the swimming. It was so cute, the first morning we got home and woke up in our own beds, Cole turned to Jer and said, "Daddy which beach are we going to today?" poor Cole, had to settle for Gary point beach with gum boots and a puffy, and a touque!
Will post pictures soon, but am still unbelievably jet lagged. It's amazing how Cole travelled so well, but me ack ooooogah it was hell. Being pregnant and on that plane for that many hours, and through the night, well let's just say I was thrown completley out of whack and only now today Thursday ( we got back Tuesday morning) am getting put back together.
So back to my knitting, and crafting and singing, and working, and socializing. Vacations are wonderful, but so is home sweet home!