Thursday, January 28, 2010


Thursday is here and gone, and that almost to me means my weekend is here! I love Thursdays, I wish they could be at the start of my week! Every Thursday I meet with a fantasmical group of moms who have the same goals, and parenting ideals and life paths, and morals and ethics as Jer and I do. It is wonderful. We get together and have coffee and breakfast/lunch while our kiddies play in the daycare/preschool next door. It really is the soul of my week. We share a lot. Deep stuff, fluff stuff a bit of everything. So today over Mirelle's pancakes we of course shared about our children and what our deepest wish for them is, but also we came together for our ringleader so to speak, as she battles through all that comes through having a misscarriage. She is doing uneblievably well. I know this is due to her strong faith and her understanding that this was part of her story. She really was such an example to me today and it felt good to just be with her. Whether our words or tears or hugs are of any consolation, the healing of it all makes me so thankful for such a beautiful group of women.

Monday, January 25, 2010

New Year, New URL

I'm seriously considering changing my URL - as soontobethree just doesn't fit our description anymore. Any fun suggestions would be mucho appreciated....I will post the new addy before I change it.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

My sweet Cole,

You are nearly three. Just a few weeks away from it actually. And I can't believe how fast three years have flown by. You are so far away from the little babe I remember. You've been in your big boy bed for well over a year and half now, and are really coming into your own. You like corn puffs, and spagetti and cutting up apples with our nifty apple peeler slicer thingy. You will pretty much do anything for a lollipop, or an orange. You sleep beautifully at night, and It seems like so long ago I was begging for you to sleep, I am now counting down the days or months I should say. You love U2, your favorite songs are Elevation and Vertigo which you now put together and sing at the top of your lungs while grocery shopping with me, or really any time of the day you feel like singing. It has been somewhat of a welcome relief from Jingle bells, which we have heard non-stop (and which still makes an appearance every so often) since December. You love playing star wars with daddy, and are getting a huge kick out of playing with all his old toys. You also are very creative and imaganitive. Almost every often we have a game of "Bunny Cave" which you invented in Maui. Where we go deep under the covers and hang out in the bunny cave while you bring me blue carrots and tea and coffee with Sugar. It's very sweet and gives me about an extra half hour in bed in the morning, which is wonderful. Your other favorite past time is looking through old baby pictures or any pictures or videos of yourself at any age really, you love it, and you especially love seeing your friends in your pictures with you! You have been talking more and more about your birthday and how everybody will finally sing Happy Birthday to you! You have asked for an electric Diego toothbrush and bunk beds for your birthday and You want a cake and for Thomas to be in the Cabana when you open the door to come in to your party, and then for him to give everyone rides like when we went to Day out with Thomas in Squamish!I had to explain to you that unfortunatley we can't get Thomas to come and even if we could he wouldn't fit in the Cabana. To which you responded, yes mommy it's because his back end is much to fat right?! Which is straight out a book we have been reading regularly called "Why I built the boogle house" Your favorite books right now are The kings wish, More spagetti I say, The animal books that are made by the guy who made the little miss sunshine books, The Bike lesson, the Bernstein Bear books, Because a little bug said achoo, Colours are nice, The Click beetle, the Angry Ladybug, and many others I just can't think of right now, probably because we read them so darn often I have tried to put it from my memory! You are constantly stopped on walks or at the grocery store or werever to be asked how old you are, and then when I tell them, everyone always comments on how well and how much you speak. Your vocabulary is huge. The things you come up with are amazing. A funny little story that has happened somewhat recently was when we were driving to Burnaby to visit baby Lennox, we passed by a fortune teller house, with a big psychic hand in the window. You asked what it was and I told you it was a hand that reads the future, and tells you which path to take in life, or where to go. A few minutes later, and a wrong turn, we were lost and called Daddy on the cell phone to help us figure out where to go. While the phone was ringing, you hollered from the back that we should just ask the hand, that mabye he'll be able to tell us which way to go! I really do need to write down everything more often, as I have never kept a baby book for you, and am forgetting when you first spoke or what your first words were! I do remember you took your first steps on May 1st at 14 and a half months. but other than that my documenting skills have definatley been lacking. So I hope to be able to write things here at least as some sort of memory book for you! You have caught your best buddy Dawson's cold to which you then promptly passed onto your mother (who cannot take cold medicine!!!AGGGGH and is going crazy beacause of it) so we are all a wee bit miserable, but we are finding joy in the simple life this weekend, lounging at home in pj's playing playing and playing and eating whenever we feel like it. Your mommy has finally figuered out why she's been so exhausted and lazy latley. Her iron levels went from148 down to 108 so she's now on a supplement and starting to wake up a bit! Cole this age is full of delights, and I love being your mum. You are starting to cuddle a lot more, but at the same time are becoming very independent. You want to be left alone in the washroom with the fan on while pooping, you want to put your underwear and slippers and shoes on all by yourself. And you love to pick out your clothes for the day from your closet. You clean up your toys well, and are needing less and less prompting to put things back where they belong which has made my life easier, and you love to help out. IN the kitchen baking or cooking or even while I am sewing up a craft project. You love to dance, in my arms or by yourself freestyle while watching a bono concert. You wake up at a decent hour and we hear "is it morning time yet" before we hear the pitter patter of your feet come into our room to tell us we must go to the living room to play! You love to eat breakfast especially french toast, (especially especially the little white sugars as you call them, they are delicous and you love them you tell me) You are a wild boy and a sweet boy at the same time. You have started thanking us for things whithout us even prompting you. Out of the blue we'll hear a thank you for cooking me breakfast mommy, or thank you for letting me play with your toys daddy. It melts our hearts. You also however have a very hard time with patience and waiting for what you are asking for. You also do not like the word no, and tend to start crying to which you have little to no control of stopping or calming down. We are working on ways to help you calm down but right now we got nothing. You remember everything we say and hold us to our words which is keeping us very accountable. You love playing with your Opa right now, and have developed a stong love for Neil (lennox's dad) who plays with you and gives you attention and has created your oh so loved game of Toilet. Where you sit on his lap in a chair he holds out his finger you push it down to flush and then he drops you through his legs. You think this is hysterical and havn't wanted to stop playing it for a week! There are many other things but I'm sick and still have to hang more curtains so I will leave it at this. I'm sure I will have many more stories to share after we have your party in a couple weeks! I love you my sweet boy. And I feel so proud to be your mommma.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

and the sun came out....

we've had a pretty rockin weekend. These January days are such a welcome relief to the business that december brings. Weekends are spent the way they should be, just enough planned events, just enough spontaneity with good friends, and mostly lots of hanging around our very own beautiful neighborhood, with coffee in hand for the parents and a good shovel for the boy. Enjoying a mellow Chicane morning and looking forward to seeing many good friends today at baby Lennox's Baptism this afternoon, oh and loads of good food too!

Monday, January 11, 2010

It's 2010!

Wow, time seems to be flying by for us right now. I have to admit I am quite excited for January and February with the stillness they bring. Hopefully we'll have a few Saturdays or Sundays free to start fixing up Cole's room in preparation for the baby. I have two pieces of furniture that I would like to paint and they are semi large....
speaking of baby, as most of you know, we weren't able to find out what we are having. The two times we've been it just didn't work out, so I take it as a sign that we are just not meant to know! I secretly was happy, (i wanted the surprise all along) but I know Jer was a wee bit sad.
Christmas was ugh. It was not the best one we've had. There was a bunch of family issues on Jer's side that really put a damper on the holidays, but the lead up to it was as wonderful as ever. I was never more ready to de-christmasafy as i was this year!
Cole is doing well. He is really a sweet boy, when he isn't having his terrible two moments. And even those are getting less and less. Unbelievably we have been able to get through every single day for the last three months without the tv on at all! It's amazing how your pregnancy can change so fast. Those first three months I was a horrible mother (being so ridiculously sick) the tv was my babysitter and it is the only thing that got us through. But even though I have been tired these next three months have been really great. Being so nervous of how Cole will be a wee bit shafted when the baby comes, I have really been taking this oppurtunity to spend as much time with his as possible. So we do a lot of playing, we go on a lot of nature walks, park dates, play dates, and one thing I have discoverd he loves to do with me is bake! So we have been baking up a storm since long before Christmas. I treasure these times and hope we will be able to still have them occasionally when baby comes.
Trying to figure out how it will all work out seems a bit pointless as I just don't know what kinda baby I'll be hit with!
Right now I am amazed at the amount of reading Cole wants. He is long done with the board books and wants mostly 5-7year old books read to him. I am shocked at his attention span. I love it but man does it take forever to do storytime before nap and bedtime. I often leave his room, take a glance at the clock and realize we've been reading for 45 minutes! But it's all good for him right!
I've been feeling better. Tired, and have had some very odd pains, but good. I have another pre-natal appointment tommorow, and look forward to that. I also have a good friend from Choir, who I actually babysat her girls, who is training to be a doula and has asked if she could be there with me. So I am interstingly enough am really starting to look forward to the birth. I loved Cole's birth, it was such a beautiful day. And I felt so empowered, and it's nice to finally look forward to it with this one!
I see signs of spring everywhere, and I don't know if that's just me or my clock ticking away towards what's to come. Today I noticed my first Daf peeking through in my window box garden! It's so amazing to me, the seasons. After this summer and feeling so darn sick, and with all that heat, I was begging for fall, then after fall I soooo looked forward to the hibernation that winter brings, now I have my sights set on spring and the next season for our family. I truly don't know what I would do if i lived in a place without all four of our beautiful seasons. We are so blest to be living in such a gorgeous city!
Well Cole's down for a nap, and I must too, Tuesdays are crazy around here, prenatal appt, work, then choir in the evening, I need all the rest I can get to get through it! Hope to be updating a bit more frequently!
Happy New Year