Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday, December 03, 2007

Thursday, November 29, 2007

almost 10 months...

Sweetie, you are 9 months and a bit more than a half... we have been a little lax with the letters latley because we've been busy! And with Christmas coming we are only getting busier! But boy are we having fun.

You are in the process of popping out your first tooth right now - the sharp part is through (the nipples tell all) we're just waiting on the heiny! You popped it on your upper right side - your canine. Everybody keeps telling me the bottom ones are supposed to pop first I just tell em to shove it, you are unique and do things your own way.

You are no longer sleeping through the night, bummer. You are getting up about two - three times but we are coping, tired and bagged in the morning but coping.

Yesterday you tried your first taste of formula. It was extremely emotional for me to do it but it had to be done. Mummy's got a ton of concerts and holiday parties and get togethers this upcoming month and I just can't pump enough for you. So we are getting you used to it so we can give you formula when we are out. All the other times - as long as you keep your chompers at bay - you can have the boobie!

We are moving - we don't know when yet, or where - but your opa and oma are putting the house up for sale in april or may or juneish - and we will have to leave - sad and heartbreaking, but these things happen I guess. And both your daddy and I have come to the conclusion that wherever we are, there is our home.

You can say dada! And these days it's pretty much all you say. If I say it you are like a little parrot and go dadadadad all the livelong day. You jibber and jabber all day long - and in your music classes every Wednesday you sing away to your little hearts content.

You are so close to crawling it scares me, you sit up and lean forward and scooot scooot scooot! Any day now I just know it!

Cole you are the sweetest, happiest most dearly beloved baby. Your daddy and I are ready to give you a little brother or sister when the time is right, and that is partly because of your easy going personality and just all round wonderfulness.

I love you forever baby boy

Love mum

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We have our first tooth! I now understand and can appreciate the marathon nights - getting up every flipping hour!
Let's keep those suckas rolling Cole we want our sweet dreams back!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


After posting my last entry I had to go back and put this up.... Here he is 4 whole days old!
What a world of difference!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Baby Bath love

View Blog


So it's monday - I have no time to carve the jacko buddy - but here's our costume THEMED this year - First one to guess gets a prize!

Monday, October 22, 2007

HP Finale

I have 10 pages left in Harry Potter! (don't get excited I'm only on the order of the phoenix)
This is a cry for help - I will be delving into the half blood prince next which has graciously been loaned to me by amanda -but I need the last one - I don't know what it's called - can anyone lend out?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Re - Live

Todays' post on one of the blogs i read posed the question, if you could go back to any time in your life - what time would you re-live.

I would choose, my college years. At CCPA, theatre school. It really was the best year ever. We Danced, we sang, we twirled, we screamed, we cried (a lot) we rolled around on the floor, we made snowangels, we laughed * my gawd did we laugh* I forged friendships that will last 10 lifetimes, I inhaled I exhaled, I loved, I lost and above all I lived.

Friday, October 12, 2007

We did it!

The Encore Project is booked for all of next April a week in June and possibly some of March..... this thing is actually going to fly, AND we may make some cashola out of it too! WOO HOO

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Um I don't want to jinx us but......

my previously sleep challenged, I get up every hour on the hour for boobie baby is um.. well sleeping upwards of 10 hrs a night....straight.
I however am up every hour on the hour checking to see if his little chest is still rising and falling *sigh*

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My contribution to the World Breastfeeding Week - Today the league of maternal justice called for a virtual breastfeed to show the world that breastfeeding is not obscene. They asked everyone to post pictures or videos... since I wasn't down with showing a video of Cole popping off the boob and getting sprayed in the face with milk (although quite funny) I think this one's a little more tasteful!

Friday, September 14, 2007

buisness proposals? eek

Okay - so this Theatre troupe Jer and I are part of.... Encore - chad sent me a proposal and I sent it in to the Principal at the school i went to. I then set up a meeting with the Principal to discuss said proposal and try with all my might to get her to say yes and let us perform with the kiddies to make them and us some serious cashola.
a) I've never done this before in my life and am scared shitless
b) what the heck to I say
c) who am I and when did I switch from being the supposed "stay at home mummy" to this?

not sure if I'm ready for all this....

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

An Island, a Ferry, Two bikes and a baby pod

So we biked to Galiano Island with Cole this past weekend, and it was awesome wonderful. The fresh air the warm sun the ocean breeze! Even the outhouse made me smile! Just to get away even for a night is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo refreshing!
So now I can't wait until our next little holiday.....
that's right we saved enough pennies to afford our yearly trip to the cabins at Crystal Cove in Tofino.... 3 nights of ocean, fireside bliss! Can't wait!
Anything to get away from the flipping hell that is the construction next door...

Saturday, August 18, 2007

6.5 months post finally complete after 4657 sessions later!

Baby love, you are 6 whole months old, you turned this the day after your auntie caitlin and uncle paul got hitched in Nelson.
I am quite the bad mommy for missing your 5 month milestone - but baby we've been just too busy having fun this summer!
Well my love you have begun to roll over more often now, you did it once back when you were 4 months I think - but haven't moved since. But on our little "holiday" (if you could call traveling with a 6 month old a holiday) you rolled from your back to your tummy for the first time! Of course we didn't see it but we found you a second after it happened and it cheered us up immensley! Today you rolled twice so we now think it time to start child proofing everything in sight, meaning the fun mirror that you LOVE to look into above your changing table, sorry bud it's got to go.
You have definatley got into the hang of cereal now - and eat rice and oatmeal no problem. On our trip we tried avacado and that was a no go - then last night I tried a jar of carrots and you really didn't dig that either, so today I made you fresh carrots from our family farm and you LOVED THEM! You loved them so much you finally pooped - it had been three days and we were starting to worry, you pooped 3 days worth - all over your shirt, overalls and up the back, but this time your daddy and I were prepared for it. You see while on holiday in Couer d'alene Idaho - on a boat cruise of the lake you pooped so tremendously much - and since there wasn't a baby change table we had to change you on the front deck in front of all the peeps on the cruise. At first we thought the poop had just gone up the back and a little on your shirt - but no sir - it was in the armpits, the ears, the neck and your hair, your nana was laughing as your daddy and I were shaking not knowing what the hell to do. Anyways we got through it -and wonder if diapers are so darn expensive - why dont' they hold stuff.
well my love you are now going to sleep around 8 - 9ish at night - and last night you slept for 6 hours straight - HALLE HALLE HALLELUIAH! we got up at 3 and then put you back down until 6 then I put you back down until 8! Yippers!
-------- side note ----
it is taking me days to write this post and I am constantly coming back to it when I get a chance - just so you all know - we are NOT getting 6 hours sleep any longer - that was a one night and one night only thing - we are back to getting up every 3 hours!
but we know it's for a short time so it's okay!
Okay so now - I have to scratch out the whole beginning part about you rolling - like I said I am slowly updating this post every second I get which are few and far between! YOU rolled today! You rolled for the first time from your back to your stomach and then back on to you your back! you are about 6 months and 2 weeks but officially you are 5 months 3 weeks because you were early so I say you are doing pretty darn well.
You have also due to the introduction of solid foods been nursing much much less during the day - you would rather play or look at the interesting growing world before you. But you still can suckle happily all night long so we are going to try to work on that next.
Most of all love you are turning slowly day by day into a little boy. Don't get me wrong you will ALWAYs and forever be my little baby, but you are becoming a little boy. In your little smiles your little coo's your giggles. You chatter non stop some days and I LOVE it! I know you get it (finally finally) from me! You chitter and chatter, you blow raspberries, you squeal with delight and you are just a pleasure to be around. People weren't kidding when they said this time goes by so fast. It goes by lightning fast. But I am happy to say I honestly don't think I have missed one thing. I treasure every waking moment with you - and non waking moment too (there are quite a few of those my dear)I snuggle up with you every morning nap and regardless of me choosing to nap with you, or to just stroke your hair and kiss your forehead over and over again, or to simply inhale your beautiful milky sweet scent, for that hour every day, I fall more and more in love with you. The vacumming, the dishes, the floors, the counters, the garden, nothing else is as important as just being with you. It has proved to be a wonderful lesson, and one I intend to hold fast to with your brothers and sisters as well, (as easy as that might be with you running around!) I cherish every second of every day with you, because they like you are gifts. The best gifts I have ever received, and I thank your daddy every day for them. Cole my love, we may not have the most fashionable clothes, or the new minivan parked in the drive, we don't own a house and we may never, but we have each other, every second of every day of every week, and I intend to use all those seconds loving you, and loving you and loving you, because your all I need to get by....

Friday, August 03, 2007

I'm still here! But won't be in about 6 days....

There has just been no time to post blog entries... the summer has been too busy, too fast and WAY to much fun so far and we havn't even left for our vacation yet! I feel bad I missed Cole's 5 month letter so I will pick it up at 6 months... because we are on our way to a little bbq now and as soon as the mister wakes up we are outta here, again. We've been pool partying, waterparking, strolling through Steveston, and just hanging with all his buddies, so I thought I would post some of those fun loving times here first as a special treat before facebook gets them!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Things I thought I'd hear about my baby:

- Cole's in the 97th percentile for weight (meaning there are only 3% of kids his age bigger than him, 96% of kids his age are smaller than him.

Things I NEVER thought I'd hear about my baby:

-Cole's in the 94th percentile for height (meaning there are only 6% of kids TALLER than him)
and 93% of kids his age are SHORTER THAN HIM!

Oh my gosh we've got a little giant here!

Happy Friday!

From the now 20lbs 10 ouncer!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Vote for Cutie pie Cole

Okay everybody! Go to my facebook page - and find Cutest Canadian baby contest under my groups and go vote for your favorite cutie pie! COLE - just find his picture - the picture in the last post (but the one on the cutest canadian baby contest page not in my albums) and write VOTE!! in the comments and see if we can win win win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My sweet 4 month old babe

Dearest Cole

You turned 4 whole months about a week ago - but we've been much to busy having a ball together this past week (either that or your mamma's addicted to facebook, i vote for the first one though wouldn't want to look like a bad mamma!) So I'm writting it now.

You are a real little (chubby) person this month. You Laugh, my God do you Laugh! It is the most precious and most beautiful sound in the world and even if I've only slept a mere 3 hours the night before if you laugh for me in the morning ( the wee wee hours of the morning) those 3 hours might as well have been 30. You melt my heart with your laughs, and also turn me into a blubering fool trying to keep getting you to do it!
You have also learnt how to squeel with delight and to talk. Not words, but latley you won't fall asleep always at the boobie, you like to be placed into your crib awake but drowsy and you chatter to yourself until sleep overtakes you and I think it is the most wonderful thing.

You also amaze many a mother - as since you were about 3 and a bit months you can full on stand. Your auntie Jessie can place you up against the ottoman at Oma and Opa's and we can fully let go off you and you will stand there! It is amazing! Absolutley amazing. And it gives me some definate bragging rights as most babies can't do this until 5 and a half months so you are well ahead of the game, also it might just make up for the fact that you wouldn't roll over.

BUT that changed this month actually two days ago, I had you on your dreaded tummy, ( you are getting better, you no longer scream as though we are sticking you with pins, at least not until a full 75 seconds have gone by! that's progress) anyhoo you rolled over from your tummy to your back! only once but I saw it, and I frantically searched for the phone to call your pappa to tell him!
Also if we walk you - you will not only stand but you will lift and move your feetsies! Which makes me think you will bypass the whole crawling stage completley and go straight for the walking!
We are still at a loss to what sleep is. You for a while were only getting up once at 3am and then up at 7 and it was HEAVEN. But alas and alack those days have passed and we are back to up at 2 up at 4:30 up at 6 up at 7 so I have taken to bringing you into bed with me the second time you get up, just so I can lay down while feeding your precious little self.
This past week we ran into a lady at the park - where we take you every night for a little walk in the stroller which you adore, and her sleeping baby was passed out in his buggy, she said she'd been feeding him rice cereal since 3 months and this isn't the first time i'd heard of the connection. So we are seriously considering feeding you some goodie goodie rice cereal sometime soon even though the new guidelines are to wait until 6 months... I am just sooooooo desperate for sleep my love and you are eating like every 2 hours again so my boobies just need a gosh darn break. We'll see , I'm still a little cocky over the whole , my babies 20 pounds and it was all my milk!
You are still the cutest thing I have ever laid eyes on and are getting cuter and cuter each day. You have outgrown a lot of clothes and we are now into 12 month onesies for ya! You big boy you! Your dad and I can't seem to get over how much we are so lucky that you chose us for your family. You make my day's the bestest days ever and I am so proud of every new thing you do, even if it's drooling all over yourself . Oh yes and you started blowing bubbles too! you blurber and blow and then you screech and you are just the happiest baby on the block!
My precious Cole, you amaze me every day and I am soooooooo happy that your here. I look forward to all the wonderful days ahead. You make me realize that it isn't riches or fancy cars or fancy clothes (although I am DESPERATE for new Clothes) or fancy make up ( although I am DESPERATE for new MAC colours) or fancy vacations, it's about the people in your life. And you my sweet are the bestest little person in mine. (your daddies the bestest big person!)
Happy 4 months in this wonderful world

Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm a little sad

Do you ever have those days where you just arn't where you want to be....
I'm in that monday morning rut. It's day's like these I gotta get my booty outside and breathe in some of that beautiful bc air.
Except it hit me today, this will be the first ever september that Jer and i won't be going to our cute little cabin on Mackenzie beach in Tofino for our fist ever anniversary with a baby.
And I'm sad
Sometimes I wish the rain would turn into 5 dollar coins....

Monday, June 04, 2007

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Been thinking. I know I've just had a child like 4 months ago, and don't worry there are no imediate plans to expand the fam just yet, but I have a question for ya'll out there. It was brought up in another blog I read that of course the decision to have more kiddies is based on so many different things to different for ya'll out there....
Do you base your decision on how large a family you will have ( ie: how many chitlets) on
a) money
b) how big your house is
C) The fact you love children (especially your own because their so freaking cute) and want to share the love with more of them

Which is the most important to you?

Thursday, May 31, 2007

I have to say I love my friends.....

Not going into some gushy blog, because I'm just not in that mood ( you will soon find out I am FAR from that mood) but my friends are absolutley effing fantastic... and I don't know what the eff I would do without them...
Okay so scenario for the day:

We all know I have discovered Facebook and I love it... except I didn't really love it so much today.You see about a week and a half ago I got a message from one ex boyfriend ( the only ex that I don't talk to anymore, and the only ex that ended badly, badly meaning he thought it was okay to um be with like a zillion other women while we were dating, and start up a serious relashionship with another women while we were dating and thought it was OKAY) He wants to talk.
So I did the mature grown up thing and ignored him
Then I get another message today saying I know your ignoring me... I want to talk, when you're ready. blah blah freaking blah.
Okay so what would you do?
a) i could keep ignoring him
b) rub it in his face that my life is wonderful
c) just say - hey wasn't ignoring you, just didn't know what the heck to talk with you about....
This last one is to save face for our silly grad reunion next YEAR- IT"S NEXT YEAR PEOPLE AND I STILL HAVE I JUST HAD A BABY FLAB
Okay so fatbaby body is not really my concern but the other stuff is
advice - words of wisdom.... anything -
Heather wrote me a nice little message I would love to post, and if i decide to go with that I'd just cut and paste it - with her copyright permission of course.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

I've had some complaints...

YES HEATHER ONLY FROM YOU! That I havn't been a dutiful blogger and kept up with my blog in a while. You see as I think I may have mentioned in a post or so ago - I am obsessed with facebook. Take it away I think it's ruining my life... okay it's not but that's where I've been, and you know now that I'm back here on blogger I realize this is just as if not WAY more fun than facebook, I forgot how fun it is to just talk, or write and get it all out, because the one week away from 4 month old in the swing ( yes he is in the swing and sleeping of course 5 minutes before I have to go... which means i have to wake said sleeping child..... shitty) It's much funner to chat with cyberspace, you see they can't shit on you.
Okay so I've been thinking, I have this concert on Saturday night it's with ROCA and it's all broadway music and you see most of it is supposed to be memorized and such - well I'm still working on it.... do I a) just go to the rehearsal and magically disapear to the bathroom for the songs i'm a little shaky on
b) take sips out of my water bottle on the songs and parts I'm shaky on - ( which no doubt would lead to having to seriously use the bathroom for it's originally intended usage
or C) Fake it

hmmmmm 6 hours to go.... and no time to memorize should be a fun tuesday night

Monday, May 28, 2007


As I lovingly breastfeed my beautiful boy, one baby mouth on the boob, my hand gently holding his back and cute little buddha bum.... I discovered the most delicious baby plumbers crack ever...
That is precisley when he decided to poop. All outta the diaper, all outta his pants, all over my hand, my arm my fingers my wedding ring, and then onto the change table the change pad and all over the wall.
And I still love him can you belive that?

Friday, May 18, 2007

Okay I'm Back!

Baby is sleeping, and I made my bed and cleaned up his room (man that kid really does a number on his room, I know, and he doens't even walk yet?) Anyways I figure the stockpile of dishes and bottles sitting on the counter just arn't as important as you guys so here I am!
Well we had a rough night last night. well mostly just me. You see I went out for the first time ever leaving Jer and Cole together! I've been out tons of times since he was born, and Jer too but Jer has never been left with Cole to deal with on his lonesome. Anyways he did marvelously - they are both alive which mean I am a free woman! Kidding, so I went to the Chan to see the St Pattys choirs - they were phenomenal the Chan was completley sold out, but here's the thing - I left at 6 and got home a little after midnight. Ack me rock hard boobies anyone? and the fact that baby had already had almost 3 of his 4 hour consecutive sleep - so I was crank crank cranky..... but I'm better now, nothing a little facebook can't fix. Kidding. the only way the kid will nap in the morning time is if I hold him and nap with him. And honestly it ain't as a bad as all that - I get sleep and I get to hold my litttle bundle in my arms for almost 1 1/2 hrs which you know in 5 years I know I'll look back on and say " I wish I held him more" so I figure just enjoy it while it lasts.... okay pictures - I know these are all up on facebook but I had to put some here too! These where from the kickass mommas day last sunday where I scored a beautiful new bed cover set Duvet, called the Amsterdam! and the sex and the city Behind the scenes book, and two set cd and the michael buble Cd - I know i was spoiled rotten. And
BIG BREAK BABY WOKE UP - Pictures later......
Love me

Thursday, May 17, 2007

The reason I havn't blogged in some time now.....

I'm sorry I'm obsessed with Facebook.... it's eating up all my spare time... I promise to get back to you real soon

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My Afternoon

Baby This Afternoon -

The Crying the Crying....

MY head my head - the crying has yet to cease today - All I can say is thank you grandma for the sling , it is the only thing giving me 20 minute increments of sweet peace.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

3 months

Yesterday you turned 3 whole months.

Yes son, it has been 3 months since you decided you were sooooo ready to meet us, and I am so glad you did. The changes you have made are unbelievable. You are Smiling now! and LOTS you even giggle and coo, and you are so close to being able to hold your head up. You still hate tummy time but we keep at it. You are really starting to know who your mamma is and I love it. You turn your head when I talk and you laugh at my silly faces.
Yesterday we went over to a friends house to learn how to hold you in the sling grandma and I (mostly grandma) made for you. You slept all day in it! And I guess because you were rested in the day time, you where happier in the evening and slept an extra hour for your first portion of the night, we are now up to 5 hours, (not holding breath)
We still get stopped by everyone who wants to look at you and tell me how adorable you are, even grubby disgusting children at the dr's office who want to put their grimy paws all over you, but don't worry I always step in and save you from their infectious germs of filth. (This one day will be a blog enty unto it's self)
You love to be held, and at first I thought oh no everyone is spoiling you and you'll never learn how to be on your own, and then I decided I was being very silly and foolish and that babies are much to young to be learning how to be on their own. And that this is such a short wonderful time we have together and I want you to feel cuddled and loved and protected all the live long day.
You outgrew yet another size diapers - we are at the tail end of the two's and into the three's.
You may be a heffer but your the cutest heffer ever. You still LOVE your diaper changes and giggle and coo and get all happy as soon as your little bum is freed and aired out to dry. Your Pappa and I think you are definatley going to be a nudist and love walking around naked (just like some other man in our house)
You got an awfull cold this month, and we spent some time in the Childrens Hospital where you lucked out with some very hot nurses and dr's. You especially loved the rectal thermometer temp checks everytime one of them would come to do one. Go figure.
You are stirring ever so slightly in your sling on mamma right now so unfortunatley we will have to cut this shorter than I wished, but I wanted to start documenting your life so I can look back when you are 34 and remember all the wonderful things that filled our days when you were a cutie 3 month old. I love you Cole and am so glad you picked us for your parents. I hope you always stay happy with your choice and I look forward to all the joy's next month will bring.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thanks for my cute outfit auntie Safeena!

Yes my 2 month and 3 week old babbit is wearing 6 month clothes from Birmingham thanks to Safeena! We must grow em bigger out here!

Bumbo Baby!

Still sick, but cute as pie too!

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

On a much more positve note,

I have cooked dinner TWICE in the last TWO days....
yes the slow cooker helped, but seriously, I'm getting better at this mom the multitasking thang!

Pictures Explained

Time to explain the cute baby in the hospital gown.
So last friday my little peach started coughing coughing, not the cute little fake coughs he does sometimes to get me to rush over and scoop him up in my arms, but a real grown up cold phlegmy cough. Being the paranoid mum I am I promptly made an appointment with the Doc ( couldn't get in until the next day) The next day Saturday we went, and the Doc tells us he is breathing too hard and working too hard and we he writes us up a letter to take to Childrens Hospital Emergency. So we eat lunch and head over. We wait for like an hour. Then my cute little bugger gets his temperature taken (rectally and he loved it, go figure) and a heartbreaking nose suction thing to test for viral infection. He cried I cried it was hard. Then we went home after about 6 - 7 hours and were told to come back the next day. So we go back on Sunday. We wait ( but not for as long) and they do more suction nose tests, more rectal temp taking ( which he still enjoyed, go figure) and then the most heartbreaking of all heartbreaks - the x-ray. They had to do it to check if my precious baby had pnemonia. Let me set it up for you. Imagine a little holder device thing where you lay down your precious first born child they pull his wee little chubby little arms up over his head so they are beside his ears and Velcro strap him in. THEY VELCRO STRAP THEM THERE, then they VELCRO STRAP HIS CUTE LITTLE CHUBBY LITTLE LEGS IN! And tell me to move over here to the safe from x-ray cubicle where parents are supposed to stay while LISTENING TO THEIR BABY SCREAM LIKE I HAVE NEVER HEARD A CHILD SCREAM. I was balling, Jer had to hold me back because really at this point I didn't give a rat's ass if i was fried up and killed by the x-ray vibes, I just wanted to hold my baby. That was the hardest thing I have ever endured in my life, I am tearing up just re-living it so on to the next....
So then we wait. They figured he would eat, but he wouldn't. And when baby Cole doesn't eat we know there is a problem. He usually eats like 6-7 ounces every 2-3 hrs. He was down to 1 ounce every 4 - 5 hrs. This was serious. So we ended up pumping in the hospital. He finally took a bottle ( I guess being squashed up against my ginormus boobies was making him uncomfortable not being able to breathe through his nose and all. So he took 3 ounces of the bottle and then rightly projectile vomited it up all over his dad, the curtain, the floor the blankets himself. It was a mess.
So we waited until he took more. They told us we could go home and come back again tommorow
We came back again tommorow. He had a temperature. He looked better to them. He ate, still not as much as usual, and they told us we could go home provided we saw our family doctor every two days.
Today we went to the doctor, he must have picked up on my fear, because after explaining the last 3 days he put his hand on my shoulder and told me everything will be okay.
We are going back on Friday at 10 to 10, if he is still wheezy like he is now, he has to go on ventalin.
I hate being sick, but I will endure any cold, flu, anything if you could just take it away from my baby.
Seriously, ( although I would never trade it for ANYTHING, and love love love it to bits, This is the hardest job ever)

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Friday Night, Family Date night in Steveston....

I think we really must make a tradition of Friday night family date night, because it was so wonderful. All you need is a fabulous sunset over steveston and some starbucks in hand, a lovely spot to feed your child in private ( in our case the end of a pier) and there you have it Friday night family date night.... now end this rain so we can do it again!

more pics....

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Good Friends Good Fridays

One Fantasically Fabulous Good Friday!
These are my Friends, well some of them, some of the best. And It was lovley to see them. Beth was visiting from Calgary, I hadn't seen Ali in months, Jess thankfully I get to see every so often ( although still not as much as I'd like to) and Vince, whom I seriously hadn't seen in YEARS and on Good Friday found out that from my front living room you can see the blinds to his bedroom. Yes He lives one street in front of me.
Anyways I'd been getting these amex bills in the mail addressed to it turns out his mom! They have the same address # as us too but a different street name. So today he got a package for me addressed to his house! And I just can't believe how the craziest things can pop old friends back into your life. He walked over with my package today and came in for a chat, and it was nice. It was more than nice, it meant I actually spoke to someone who has a full command of the english language and who doesn't shit their pants 8 - 12 times a day ( we are getting down to 8 times for those interested!) We talked a lot of old friends we met in theatre camps and what they're up to now, and it's nice to be brought back sometimes, Because sometimes I forget I had these whole other lives before this one that I'm living. And I like to be reminded of them because they were wonderful.
Thanks Vince

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Can't blame this one on sleep deprivation!

Wednesday: Perfect child graces us with an amazing nights rest, mom & dad wake up refreshed & ready to finally start the day for the first time in weeks. After baby's breakfast perfect child goes for a beautiful 2 1/2 hr morning nap on my chest, I being so rested enjoy every moment and just watch him breathe and sniff his beautiful baby scent in.
We then have a wonderful breakfast for me where perfect child does not scream and grunt once while I am eating. I do dishes actually tidy up a bit feed him then head out to buy material for baby sling project. 5 People at Fabric Store stop me to tell me how gorgeous my perfect child is. We buy some cute material and head to Steveston for awonderful walk in the glorious sunshine. We buy cute baby clothes and espresso beans and mommy even treats herself to a macadamian nut latte, which tasted divine, we walk through the park smiling at the other perfect mothers with their perfect offspring and make our way back to the car, where yet another person has to stop us to tell us how gorgeous Cole is. We say goodbye I pack Cole into the car, then pack the stroller into the trunk ( with some difficulty) and close the trunk shut...... I stand there for a minute, and wonder where did my latte go? Then it hits me, It's still in the cup holder of the stroller which I have folded up and shoved into the trunk.

*** upon arriving home, after feeding screaming perfect child dumb ass mom spends like 47 minutes cleaning macadamian nut latte off stroller.

Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

First Smile caught on Camera!

I know, he is the universe's most gorgeous child....
Cole is 2 months old, if you go by actual fact he was 2 months on monday but if you go by dates and stuff he's actually 2 months today.
What I have learned in the last 2 months...

1) Living off 5 hours of sleep a night is doable but only with excessive amounts of coffee
2) No matter how badly you need coffee, and no matter how sleep deprived you may be, and regardless that there is absolutley no milk for your coffee, it is NOT, under any circumstances acceptable in any way shape or form to use breast milk.
3) Because of the excess volume of caffine in my system, due to the need for said coffee because of sleep deprivation, it is really a day to day thing of deciding if the pro's outway the con's. Because babies on caffine on Monday I can deal with after a nice weekend with Jer home to help, babies on Friday after a LONG ass week with little help....... I do Decaff.
4) I actually went out in public today with baby puke on my blouse cuff, and I was okay with it. I actually rolled up the puke cuff and went on with my day..... This definatley I think is the golden, welcome to the motherhood society innitiation.
5) Having a baby is probably the best diet in the world, you are so on the go, and never have time to eat and you look great really fast after popping the little guy out! Hello I fit into 5 pre-preg jeans!
6) Regardless off all the hard nights of no sleep, I still want 3 more....
*I'm sure my husband will have something to say about this last comment.... but women hold so much more sexual power over men.....Okay more pics of my cutie Plumpkin...