Thursday, February 19, 2009

he's two! Everything turned out smashingly... i can't wait to get pictures up.... i promise to try soon, but you see i took about 5 pictures and all the main pics were taken by karen on her non digital device, so to get them up i have to scan them! ACK ME... but i will try my darndest!
soon soon soon, as for now, our weekend is a wee bit outta control, two aunties in town, a date night, a dinner with the sisters, a dinner date with ms oconnor, and a girlie surprise for myself, i, h, and che! looking sooooo forward to tommorow morning let's get this party started! WOOOO HOOOO!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

coming on 2

We're coming up on 2. On Thursday to be exact. At 3:37pm - the doctor's said 3:40 - but they actually round up. I checked my watch because I'm like that, and asked Jer to check his watch too, and they both said 3:37, so i go with that.
Anyways, we are starting about a week early with the terrible twos. Either that or what seems to be his 2 year molar's coming in, so we're doping up on the tylenol.
Sleep seems to be underwraps. He is adorable with bedtime everynight. We do the same routine we've been doing forever, bath, bannana, teeth brushed, books, bed. He kisses his sheepy and teddy, and us, and then tells us to "go away" so we do and we usually don't hear a peep from him, except once mabye to go in and put the covers back on him. He still only sleeps from 8ish until 6ish but it's working for us so we're okay. And he naps about an hour or so a day, and that's when i try to do everything that needs doing! It's funny everyone is having babies right now, and i sorta kinda have the itch, but i sorta kinda am content with what we got, i am truly enjoying working part time, dancing and singing, and taking care of cole. Life feels sweet, and I want to savour this family of three, just a wee bit longer.
Looking forward to posting pics of the big boys kiddie party and family parties! Hopefully next week!