Thursday, May 22, 2008

just a wee bit jealous...

today some of my bestest girls are leaving for a girlie weekend in arizona... poopy part, I'm not going with them. How much does that suck. I remember a year ago when Cole was in the easy peasy lemon squeezy newborn stage, thinking hey for sure i'll be able to come. Jer'll take care of Cole and it'll all be good right? Well I wouldn't wish Nightime Cole on Anyone right now, not my worst enemy not my hubby. So, because of this ( and the fact that we just bought a home and would like to go on a family vacation together sometime this year oh and fix our flpping car) I'm not going. Poo
I can still pout about it though right....

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

oh my has it ever been a long two or is it three weeks.
We are moved. The furniture is in, some pictures are up, but most importantly Cole is FINALLY realizing that this is it. We are staying now. This is the new digs.
We have had a VERY traumatizing and HARD HARD HARD two weeks. First we moved, with a baby. Then said baby got sick. VERY sick, as in barf on you all night let's get to the ER kinda sick, that then turned into leaky watery I can't keep it in my pants poop. Oh and then he passed that all onto me. Then said baby officially stopped being a baby and walked! I told him he couldn't walk until we moved, well the day after we moved in he took his first steps! May 1st! Okay then he decided I feel crappy and this is NOT my bedroom so heck why sleep? And he stopped sleeping. Literally Jer and I got 1 hour and 45 minutes of sleep on average per night for those 5 nights. (keeping in mind that not only is his mother stradled to the toilet all night and not able to comfort him therefore increasing the decible levels by like 78 bajillion, hereby stressing his parents out even more that their new apartment dwelling neighbors will be knocking on their door with pitchforks and nooses.
Okay got through that and then the teeth began.
So we started from scratch with some sleep stuff and finally ( i really don't want to jinx it, we think it's starting to take effect. He slept 7 hours straigh last night. So if i went to bed when he did i would have gotten seven hours of bliss, but i didn't so i got 4 and a half which is really quite wonderful compared with 1 and three quarters.
So hopefully I'm back. We are now starting to re-do naps and he is taking his first nap ever in his crib in his new home right now! ( we have been buggy and car nappers for two weeks) this is hella nice...
so keep your fingers crossed and hope this keeps up. I know it all be going to hell in a hand basket sooner or later....
but for now life is beautiful.
We have our dear dear friends acoss the park, and the building is oh so quiet and peacefull and we are awoken every morning to a symphony of birdies in our tree outside our window. Our lovley neighbor down the hall brings our weekly paper to our door twice a week as a good will gesture AND baked us muffins to welcome us to the building. So things as hard as they have been have also been very lovely.
And the location is phenomenal - we are seconds from the dyke and steveston so we have hit up the new farmers market and will continue to do so on sundays.
oh and we are not sure yet but.... hmmmm nope won't say it, yet.
Anyways hope your tuesdays are beautiful too.