Thursday, November 25, 2010

another project crossed off list...

I havn't posted ANY projects, for quite some time. So I thought I would fill ya'll in on what I do in my very SMALL window of time for craftiness.

So a while back we ordered some beautiful amy butler laminated cotton off (which I am spending WAAAAY too much time on) and made ourselves a little highchair pad. We had a feeding chair with Cole, but we were offered the use of a beautiful wood antique highchair, and i could NOT pass that up. So to make it a bit more comfylicious for my wee girl, I made a chair pad. This is what it looks like:

I know i couldn't resist showing you my beautiful's a better one

So one project down.... a zillion to go...
Up next buggy covers...I've got my material thanks to a quick trip to bellingham (i heart Jo-annes) and am all set, i just need some coffee, an hour, and no kids around...will see when that happens...has to be soon, because it's snowing here!

Monday, November 22, 2010


it's been a month of sickies for us. I am still hacking away...(i really don't know how moms EVER get rid of their colds) I mean really i don't get sleep at nights, and I don't get naps in the day with two kids, and my gosh i can barley feed the chitlets let alone make myself something decent when i feel like curling up into a ball, so i'm thinking i've got one more week to go with this nastiness and then I'm just going to give up...ha
okay on to other things....we have SNOW! it's lovley. Snowed on moms birthday. Took a day trip cross the border for some groceries, few clothing pieces for the kids, and fabric, yes i love, but i also love jo-annes. Got some fabric to sew up the kids stockings (lord only knows when we'll get around to that) got some fabric to also sew up K her own buggy/babybjorn/ergo's on the list. It was nice to get out. Then brought chinese food over to moms for dins before they left for mexico. Did laundry, and made about 5 different casseroles to store into the deep freeze because this month is chaos, chaos, chaos, and i will rarley have time to reheat leftovers let alone cook up a from scratch meal. So we are stocked! Still waiting for my pears to ripen, just about and then i am going to attempt my first canning extravaganza, mmmmmm pears. What else, lot's of choir practices, the concert season is upon us, missed bootcamp this last week and today, feel like a sloth, I've been carbing it out BIG time...must stop. Had a lovely strawberry beer at peter and vickis on sunday must get the name of it. Decided i am going to go back to making espresso with my bialetti for a while and start having my cappucino in the morning it's just sooooooooooooo much more delicous. Ripped a bunch of new folk indie kids tunes for Cole and he's in woody guthrie and elizabeth mitchell heaven (as am i) Christmas tunes are on the radio, not on our walls...yet. Jer's bday first then on with christmas. Excited for Disney on Ice with the kids next weekend. Took some lovley pics for christmas with the kids, out of the 60583839 i took there is not one, ONE where both of them are smiling like the angels they pretend to be. But we got the christmas cards printed today and i'm pleased with how they turned out nonetheless, it's truly a snapshot of where we are in life right this second!
Have some lovley crochet flowers on the way for K for her christmas stocking, also picked up some cutie pie hair clips for the few wisps of hair she does have! Cole's prezzies are all set, i just have to wrap them up. It's cars, cars, cars this year, and i am sooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited for him on christmas morning! Cole's Bunk bed will be ready before christmas, he's going to have a hernia i tell you...I think I'm just as excited too! bought the new mariah carey christmas, not sure how i feel, but am diggin the annie lennox christmas let me tell you. Well that's about as much catch up as i can muster tonight. I need to tend to my nasty cold sore, take some cough syrup, pop a tylenol and hit the hay with my sweet baby girl. How funny things turn out. I used to dread going to be when Cole was a babe, because i knew i would have my sleep interupted and feel tired and cranky and miserable. But I look so forward to my special time with my Kýrie, must be that I know this is my last babe and time is fleeting...they grow too fast. Extra snuggles tonight with it possibly dipping to minus 10! AGH !!!!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

A family day Remembrance day

Wonderful Remembrance Day it was. Today we watched the ceremonies on the telly (Jer has been home sick all week with a lung infection and we didn't want to go to an actual ceremony with him hacking all over people) we had lot's of play time and learing time with Cole. We watched the planes fly over our roof, we ate yummy leftovers, and then I got to head to Michaels to lay down the last track for his song "high Flight" that I have been recording for him. It was actually pretty neat to be singing those lyrics that were written by a pilot in world war one on today of all days. I finished up the alto 2 line and got to hear all four parts (s1, s2, a1 and a2) all together played back. It sounded way better than i expected ( for me learing the song the same day I recorded the first three parts!) It was a choir of Amy's! Can't wait to hear the finished product!