Monday, October 30, 2006

The Labour Pains

Okay, I have met a new breed of meanies. I call them the labour pains. Because really they are a pain in the ***. They are the people that have had children, and insist on telling you the most horrific, and nightmare inducing tales of their labours. Really, why do women do this to us. I am in my happy bubble. Now that nausea has lept full force out the 4th story window, i am enjoying myself, my chocolate and my baby ( who kicks a whole hell of a lot) So why must they ruin this for me and tell me their horrific birthing stories. Now I know labour is not going to be no walk in the park, but really .... the stories of splitting in two, and I felt as though my body was ripping in half, blah flipping blah.... if it were all that bad, why do people have more babies? Now in all honesty, I do get some sick pleasure from these stories. It kinda excited me to step up to the plate and be the amazon inside. But with my new found decision to really try hard hard hard from accepting the epidural these stories taunt.... just a little. So since I know there are quite a number of you out there who do read this blog you just don't really comment. I have decided to put a little fun one together. Any and all of you, leave a comment and describe your most horrific or not so horrific labour, and if you have never given birth, tell your sister's horrific story, or your aunt agatha's stories. I would like to prepare my atilla.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

So our baby's a monster...

Yes today we had another pre-natal visit with the doc. And not only did we find out that our baby is a bit larger than the doctor put it " it ain't no shrimp you got in there" ( Um OUCH) but also that you are NOT supposed to gain 10 pounds in a month. I don't feel fat, in fact I feel sexier and more beautiful than I have ever felt. But the ice cream, girl guide cookies, Cinnamons choclates and kit kats, have got to go. How am I ever going to fit into that bridesmaid dress by August? So really I don't feel that bad for gaining so much weight, really it was only 9 pounds, and a lot of it is our "ain't no shrimp baby" which yes I knew would be large, based on Jer's baby pictures, and the fact that he wears THE largest size hat's and cap's you can buy and because as we all know when I was born they thought I was mongloid. So you can't blame all this weight on me, it's just as much the kid's fault. Okay but I will cut back on the treats.... after halloween, and then after Christmas, okay Valentines..... oh brother could there be a worse time to be pregnant....

Thursday, October 19, 2006

My Jitterbug

Okay, So one of the things about growing a babbitt, is that you tend to have hormones jumping out at you abso- friggin - lutley everywhere, we're talking brain cells, Cheacne ( which i tend to describe as the lovely acne that is now growing between my swelling by the second breasts, and also the love hormones. So as much as I love my new set of Knockers, I can't show off any freaking cleavage because of the Cheacne. But that's not what I wanted to post about, mabye another day. Today I wanted to celebrate the man who put me in this hormonal predicament. And celebrate him in a good way. You see the other night ( meaning every night this past week) we were sitting on the couch watching X-Files... ( surprise surprise) and well I have been feeling a lot of butterflies and flutters and kicks and lovely little taps that let me know that this kid we are growing is going to be a WILD child! So Jer has started holding his hand on my tummy and he has actually been feeling some of these oh so precious movements. Well it is just the darndest thing. He's sitting there this 32 yr old man, with his hand on my tummy and when he feels something his face Lights up, I'm talking 6 year old at Christmas, just unwrapped the He-Man She Ra - Castles. I have NEVER in my long time of being with this wonderful man, ever seen his face light up this much. Not even when he unwrapped his light saber (1 year ago) and that my dears means that this is really something special to him. So of course my love hormones go all wonky and I just tear up a bit, but of course it's dark because duh we're watching Mulder and Scully find the truth out there, and along we go with our night, until bedtime, when my sweetie, sweet sweetums, sings his little lullaby to our peach. Yes it's a U2 song but a darn perfect one for a lullaby. And he sings it every night so that when the baby is born, and all fussy and stuff, he can sing it to them then and they'll calm down because it was a happy memory whil e in Utero or some psychological willy nilly like that. So today I celebrate the future papa to my peach, the man of my wildest dreams and who I can't imagine ever not being here to dance with me in the kitchen, or rub my aching belly, feet, head, whatever.
I love you dearie and look forward to more wacki wacko times ahead......
Love Me

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Last one I promise!

Okay I swear just one more....Can you blame me the kid is adorable.... and so ready for show biz, always looking straight at the camera for her, or his closeup.... Runs in the family.

Feetsies of the Fetus!

These are the cutest little feet on the planet.

Who has the cutest baby? WE DO WE DO!

This is our little peach, being a good little baby and looking right at us for some pictures! See the little eyes and the hands up by the head and theat little hole thing is the heart! The baby moved so much it took the tech a while to get all the pictures she needed because everytime she'd go to snap the peach would move on her! Jer thinks he saw boy bits but I don't have any clue how you can tell!

Saturday, October 07, 2006

What am I Thankfull for this Thanksgiving weekend? Well I'm still married....

So can you guess from these pictures what kind of weekend we are having!!!! You guessed it, we had to cancel our flight to Toronto, I have an ear infection, a cold, I can't take medicine for the cold, and I am really fat and pregnant. Jer's sick too. But I don't have much sympathy for him because he is afforded the morden amenities such as ADVIL COLD AND FRIGGIN SINUS..... Okay I love him but still...
So yes right about now we WOULD be attending Jason and Charlene's wedding in Guelph, instead, we are steaming our nostrils, sleeping in seperate bedrooms (for the first time ever in the history of Jeremiah and Amy) and oh yes we are extremeley short tempered, moody, snappy and argumentative. HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Yes, this has NOT been the happiest extra long weekend of our lives. Poop Poop and more poop.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Icky Icky

This is a clue of how i feel today
POOPY! And they don't let pregnant women take any advil cold and sinus - ( MY SAVING GRACE when it comes to cold) So Now I am a snivelling, whinning mamet, a big fat pregnant baby. And I want to go back to Tofino.

This is me and my adorable hubbie of now three years and soon to be daddy of "the Peach" - This was in Tofino where we were exactly 3 days ago enjoying our anniversary and just relaxing. Happy and relaxed and stress free and breathing fresh and free. I hate being sick.