Thursday, October 28, 2010


This week has been easy and hard at the same time. The stresslessness of staying home all week (yes we stayed home all week! well except to go to choir and bootcamp) was lovley. Hot dinners had time to be made, laundry found it's way back to the drawers and closets from which it came, and the kitchen stayed clean for at least 5hours this entire week! On the other hand, because my sweet boy has not been outside for 4 days he of course is going stir crazy. And he is tantruming and whiney and miserable (pretty much a male who is sick) And it is TIRING. Let me tell you, taking care of a baby who doesn't so much love solids, and would much rather have her mammas milk thank you very much, and keeping up with the dailies all whilst enduring tantrum, after melt down, after crying fit, is exhausting. So yesterday when I went to put Kýrie down for her afternoon nap (which I do by laying down with her in my big ole comfy bed and nurse her off to dreamland) my sweet boy came in to snuggle. Now it has become kind of a wee thing of ours, me going in to put Kýrie down and Cole coming along and snuggling up to me on the other side. But he wriggles and turns and then starts to talk, eventually gets bored and goes back into the living room to wait for me. But yesterday after the wriggling ceased, and the 30+ minutes of coughing died down, I noticed he had fallen asleep. Now this is rare. This is cherishable. This boy who since the day we set up his big boy bed (20 months of age) never wants to sleep anywhere but HIS bed. So I lay there, piggy in the middle, with my sweet girl in my arms, and my sweet boy nestled into the small of my back, with his little hand draped over my waist, and I thought, savour this, breathe it in, take a photo in the camera of your mind and in the midst of a full blown meltdown, remember this moment. Because this stage is fleeting and as the country song goes."Your going to miss this....."

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

sick week

love me a sick week!
we are relaxing, and sorting, and purging and drinking copious amounts of tea while listening to if only we could find a cure for the tantrums I could stay home sick for weeks...

Monday, October 25, 2010

what a week!
I know it's monday, and the week is only just begining. But it's been a great one so far. Cole is sick and miserable, but that's okay because this generation has been blessed with this box like thing that has sound and colours and moving people, yes my friends it's t.v all day everyday while he is sick! and it is saving me from throwing him out the window! We do not watch any t.v here, so this is a real treat for him. We've got a stack of videos out of the library for him, but all he wanted to watch today was the classic three little pigs (disney) over and over and over, so i can't get the darn tune out of my nogin "whose afraid of the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf, the big bad wolf, whose afraid of the big bad wolf, tralalalallaallala!"
Well the good news is i just got back from "Richmond Sings" a wonderful night where various richmond choirs sing about two songs each, our choir hosts it and it is a huge fundraiser for children living in poverty in richmond. Would never have guessed that 30% of richmond children live in poverty, but it's all hidden. So sad, so it felt so wonderful to be a part of something so important.
Got to hear the song I recorded on thursday sung by London School choir. Which was lovley. My friend Michael who writes music and teaches choirs and music and band at his school asked me over on thursday. Thursday was a very big accomplishment for me, I learned in 30 minutes a new song, and then recorded sop 1 and alto 1 in the same night! Not my best work but it feels so wonderful to be doing what I love. I love my kidlets, but singing is my outlet, it's my time and it is soooo refreshing to be able to have snippets of it in my life! Can't wait to hear the finished product, he's going to layer the three parts of me singing, and the two parts he recorded and make a choir of it! Pretty neat. Then he'll load it onto his website and in return he'll record a few more songs for me for my website, which hasn't been updated in eons...gotta love the bartering system hey!
Anyways this week is now in full swing, but thankfully because of Cole being sick we are taking a week off! A week off of playdates, and visit's and mom's groups, and everything that doesn't involve home! I LOVE IT! I feel such relief in it already.
Will report back how it went once we get through it!
Cheerio and here's to a week of breathing! A rumba rumba shaaan!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

oops it's october!

Been slightly out of my blogosphere for the past while. I've been too busy reading all my fave blogs! The list of those is growing and growing, and so has my usage of computer time...
so what's been going on here....
Cole is in preschool one day a week and LOVING it. I am so glad I waited until I knew he was ready and didn't just put him in at 2 years of age like everyone else I know. He just wasn't there yet you know? It's been wonderful really. He is so happy to go and I get in a two hour coffee and walk with our friend Ria and her baby girl M while we wait to go pick up the boys.
Kýrie is growing like a weed. We are into the 6-12 month clothes! She's fully into cloth diapers and has the cutest baby butt with them on!
She's started solids, and doesn't love them, mamma's milk must be darn good!
Jer's been busy at work - finally getting some time with the guys ( i finally let him)
And as for me, I think I may have bitten of a bit much this season but oh well.
I am bootcamping Monday and Wednesday Evenings (have lost 15lbs since July) I am back at Choir on Tuesday nights, getting ready for our first concert, and have a big solo for the Christmas one I've been working on. I am doing some recordings for a friend who writes music and publishes it for his students (teacher) Have been busy enjoying my MOST favorite time of the year, decorations are up, the door is dressed. I've done a FEW of the crafty things on my list... Made an adorable High Chair pad for the beautiful antique high chair we were lended, out of laminate cotton I ordered online. I LOVE YOU! I painted our computer desk in a beautiful graceful gray. Also painted some thrifted frames and FINALLY framed our three photo's of unique folliage that we purchase while in Maui almost a year ago! Have yet to hang them....sigh. Am ALMOST done that scarf that I have been working on forever! I better have it done soon I want to wear it this year! wow i really like exclamation points eh? Other than that, it's been very humbling becoming a mother of two. I never thought I would be one to get the "mommy guilt" I always am happy with the way we parent, and live and teach and nurture our children. But with having two to care for and amongst all the other things that come with staying home (cooking dinner, making lunch for said offspring and self, trying to contain the chaos that has become my home, keeping up with all the stuff our life throws at us,) it has been very difficult to get out there you know? I mean we are always on the go, and there seems to be no time to just get outside and be. I miss the stillness, the breathing room. Right now it's just go go go go go and don't stop or you'll fall off the treadmill. I know things will slow down, as we are starting to get into a good routine but I must remind myself to take a day or two a week to NOT plan anything. To not have a friend over, or to not go to someone's home for a visit, to just sit amongst the falling leaves and acorns and pinecones and watch my children breathe.