Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday Morning

Today I knew we had to get out. The Sun was a calling us, and our playdate plans were busy vomiting everywhere so I decided the park was CRUCIAL today.

I remember packing up for a walk with newborn Cole as being somewhat okay, a little challenging, but all in all fairly easy. I figured it could only get easier, what with a little one who can actually walk and crawl into his own buggy, who can tell me what he needs ( when he feels like it) and how can even put on his own boots on the right feet!

Not today

Today, I knew coffee was imperitive to my well being as a mom. So I started boiling the water and attempted to grind the beans when the whinning and whinging and "mommy comes" started.... someone NEEDED to be read to and needed it now. I started the get ready to go routine at 8:30am after breakfast, all I had to do was make coffee, pack snacks, change a diaper and put Cole into playclothes, get my contacts in, get me into regular clothes and outta pjs and oh make the bed (it's a neurosis i have, making sure the bed is made) well I'll put it to you this way, we got out the door at 10:09...PEOPLE that is an hour and 39 minutes later! Ack me.... I do wonder about how long it will take when we have a newbie and a cole to get ready which bring me to my next topic of discussion...

Whilst playing at the park, Cole and I ran into an old friend and her two twin gals, we played and tried to chat as much as possible, then decided to head over to mcdonalds for some coffee and fries. Whilst there, we saw a hot looking mommy ( def of the mummi variety) with two 3 year old twin boys, a 15 month old girl and a belly that says I am due very soon. Upon my friend asking her how she does it, she responded " I always say if depends on the husband, mine is awesome we probably will end up with another to make it 5. To this In my head I thought okay great you can do it emotionally and physically but you must be loaded or make a billion dollars or both if you can afford 5.... and then, and then my friends she finished of her story of how great her husband is with and he's also a letter carrier so he can be home at 1 or 2 in the afternoon which is a great help.
Now I think letter carriers are awesome, I thought about looking into it for when cole is in school, but how my dears do you raise a family of possibly 7 on a letter carrier salary, to be fair she also works part time in the evenings but dude that still probably only equals what jer makes so HOW oh How in heavens name do they do it...

that was monday... wonder what thought provoking questions tuesday will bring! Ha!

Sunday, November 23, 2008

What a weekend.....
One - Trip to the Dentist to have my broken tooth fixed
Two - fairly relaxing evenings, one in bed by 9 the other watching Into the wild into the late hours of the evening but well well worth it!
Three- cups of coffee total
Four - tacos consumed!
Five - Pictures i managed to download and shops visited whilst walking in steveston!
Six - Dinning room chairs recovered by moi!
Seven - Loads of laundry a record for our home!
Eight - times we had to watch the christmas train go round while Cole clapped to the crazy music!
Nine - Hours straight that Cole FINALLY slept through on Saturday night
Ten - i can't think of any ten's!
it's 9:17 and i am sooooooooooo hitting the hay.....

Monday, November 17, 2008


I love it, why i don't do it more often is a mystery.... oh wait no it isn't it's called sleep deprivation and we've been dealt the short end of the stick.... BUT we are making some progress, Small progress but progress none the less. Cole hasn't had milk at night for 6 whole nights in a row!Yes he still wakes about 4-5 times a night, BUT he doesn't shreeeeeek like we are pulling his toenails off, he calls DADDADADDADADDA which is such a welcome change. So Jer is getting up and getting him settled which now takes 3 minutes as opposed to 47.... so jer is tired, but i almost have my boobs back!

Monday, November 10, 2008

To the yuppy, oh so painfully obviously child free couple walking on Granville Island this morning; who as my child was having a major meltdown in his stroller because he wanted to be carried 13 blocks by his sleep deprived and slightly pissed of mother, decided to comment, in a VERY rude fashion, I offer this... the response i was not quick enough to deliver, that would have sufficed so much better than my silence acceptance..... Ignorance truly is bliss.....

Thursday, November 06, 2008

It's a wonderful day in the neighborhood...

Yesterday morning upon finding out we were not indeed having a playmate come over to entertain my darling television addicted child, I got us dressed and out the door pronto to enjoy a walk ala newborn style. Don't get me wrong we walk; heck we live in Steveston we walk everyday, but it's the way we walk that has changed. When Cole was a wee babe of 10 pounds or so we would take lovely long walks and take in the nice weather the beautiful crisp air and the fluffy white clouds, we could walk forever, and then somewhere along the way it changed, we started walking out of nessesity, we still took walks all the time but they were to get somewhere, be it the post office, the toy shop (for jer not cole) the grocery store, the library, the park, the community centre, or even Steveston coffee, it was like we needed to have a destination or a treat at the end. So yesterday we took the long dyke way, walked, not to get anywhere just to enjoy the wonderfulness that is our neighborhood, to point out the dogs, the ducks, the turtles, the squirrels, the rabits, the crows, the horses, the frogs, the cranes,the snow geese the eagles and hawks and yes the baby calf in the pasture being born right in front of our eyes. That's right, my 20 something self and my 20 something month old saw for the first time, the birth of a baby calf. In the middle of the hustle and bustle of the city, along the beautiful and oh so misty and peaceful dyke, we watched with awe as a baby calf slipped out and her mamma started cleaning her up and trying to get her to take her first steps. As one passerby said, and life goes on eh? We all cheered and clapped along with the farmer and the few standing and watching, and I felt a part of it. In the middle of this crazy world it was a beautiful sight to see and to share with my son so early on such a lovley day to be born, I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love my neighborhood, I love having the water minutes from my door, and the peace that that stretch of dyke brings, I love having a farm load of animals mere steps from our house, to share with Cole, and I love having this little Village of Steveston to call my home. Yesterday I popped back into a shop where I purchased a wee sign for our kitchen a few days ago to ask about hanging it, the shop owner said bring it on in, your one of the locals right? And for the first time since we lived in our sleepy town of white rock, i felt a part of the community, part of the people, part of a neighborhood. We also share this with our wonderful neighbors in the apartment, don't get me wrong we've met the crazy's, and have many a laugh over them, but the people in our wing have bent over backwards to welcome us with open arms, we have the paper delivered to our door by one sweetie, always a conversation and a hello, coupons slipped under the door, along with homemade treats, kinda makes up for the broomstickers below!It was a bit unerving thinking should we really have bought into apartment living, but yesterday showed me we really should have, because it really does take a village to raised a child.