Monday, June 02, 2008

our weekend...

Things are wonderful and exausting and frustrating and beautiful and busy, busy, busy.
So we had a jam packed weekend with loads of family time and not much house work (which rocks the party until monday morning!) and absolutley NO yard stuff ( this condo thing rocks the summer party that rocks the summer party!)
So Friday night, my girlies came on over, we got all dolled up (for me wearing anything other than yoga pants and spit up, and wearing make up is dolled up) I made some seriously strong Cosmopolitans, Jer and his buddy Marco took care of the babe, and we headed out to see Opening night of Sex and the City! FABULOUS, man i miss that show.
We got back and the boys were finishing up Transformers and then around 12:30 we hit the hay.
Saturday morning we got up got it together early and strolled through are family friendly neighborhood and made our way into Steveston, where Jer and Cole hung at the playgrounds, notice the s on the end of that, while I attended a facial and makeup thingy by my friend kristie. Then we window shopped our way outta there, I found some new shirts, went home had lunch and because People were laying brand new concrete walkways around our pool (making the stoller so much more acessible) we ditched then noise of construction and headed into Vancouver for some more consumer action, MEC, and then Granville street for some more shopping for me (what can i say after seeing sex and the city the night before, how can i resist wanting more clothes! and i found the cutest most amykoop dress EVER and a cute little shirt too, we bought some ridiculously over priced water at Meinhardts and then decided to head home for dins. Then put the boy to bed, put on indiana jones the first one i think, and i finally organized my walk through clothes closet (and it looks fabulous)
Sunday, got up, did all our laundry in under an hour and a half (damn i love having mulitple machines to work with) and then headed out to poco to drop monkey off with his lola and lolo and ron!
I headed out for a baby shower, and jer had some male bonding time with the men of the wives who were at the shower! Much fun had by all, all time favorite part - reading through the book Porn for new moms, absolutley hysterical! Oh and the booze and the fact I got to eat all of the food off my plate (mulitple times in one sitting)
Then off to pick up the boy who had an equally fabulous time with his grandparents doing whatever the heck he wanted.
Then home and more sex and the city episodes and sleep....
that was the goods,
the bads is that we HAVE to do something about this kids sleep issues it's killing us but more importantly it's killing him. He is soooo suffering, so Jer and I will put together our team plan tonight and start. Send us happy sleep induced vibes PLEASE.... and pray our neighbors are understanding, or sleep without their hearing aids in, either would be fine!
how was your weekend?????