Thursday, September 24, 2009

and the seasons...

And we're off..... to start our next adventure.
I love fall. I know many would be shocked to hear it, but I am so terribly terribly glad that beautiful summer of ours is finally over! Fall has begun! And I am so glad. This is my most favorite time of year. I don't know if it's the crisp air, the beautiful colours, the way the light is, or just that it's all so fresh and new. I just love this season. And we always kick it off with a beautiful vacation every year on the Island. In about a half hour or so I will probably have to wake my sleeping babe, and we will head out to pick up daddy and take our ferry over to the island. We'll stay with my aunt and uncle tonight in Victoria and then head to my most favorite place on earth tommorow morning, Tofino! I say this a lot, but I would rather spend three glorious nights in Tofino than pretty much anywhere else in the world. Jer and I have done a lot of travelling, Puerto Rico, Barbados, St.Lucia and many other parts of the Carribean, Mexico, Paris, London, Germany, Austria, Holland,Italy, Prague, tons of places in the States, and out as far as the Praries. But none of them seem to hold a candle to the beauty of Tofino. I don't know if it's the time of year mixed with place or what but to me it is paradise. So I can't wait to kick off the fall with this trip and then head home with all our little nature treasures (shells, rocks, pinecones, chestnuts, leaves and whatever else we may find this year) to turn into our autumnal wreath. Then it's time head to the farm for some gourds to decorate our living room. Can't wait can't wait.... will hopefully get around to posting some pics when I get back. As long as I can start having more good feeling days than bad. Keep your fingers crossed for me while driving along the windy roads to the Coast! Happy Fall Weekending to you all!!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I'm here, but barley. I havn't been regular with the posting as I have been sickety sick sick sick. Sicker than I ever thought growing a fetus could make a person. Yesiree, we are pregnant. And Shocked. And yes this was COMPLETLEY unexpected. We had agreed we would wait until November after our little vacation to Maui, but I guess someone else had other plans. We only found out a week or so ago, and I am already two months! I'd been pregnant for a while before I actually found out. It was kind of funny actually, I had gone to see my doctor because I was having irregular periods, (which turns out to be spotting) and she thought mabye we should do a pregnancy test, I said, why? She said humour me. I said okay. She said Positive. I said What? She said Positive? I said what? She said you're pregnant. I said what??????? Anyways we are due in April and once I wrap my head around the whole thing I'm sure I'll be a little bit more excited. Oh and as soon as this all day every day I feel like death stuff subsides....