Friday, February 16, 2007

Our ADORABLE baby Cole

The baby has landed, 3 weeks early, a little jaundice, but most definatley THE Cutest and most adorable child on the planet. See for yourself our little bannana. Cole Valentin Garcia, born February 12th at 3:37 pm to the vocals of Wilson and Phillips playing on the player and the sun streaming into the delivery room. Will give more details another time, still catching up on phone calls, emails, sleep, showers, teeth brushing, and just wanting to spend every waking moment with this little cutie pie.............

Friday, February 09, 2007

Babies and Bellies Party

Had to post these pictures from our Babies and Bellies Party. We took a Pre-natal class at the Richmond Hospital through Douglas College and the group's been really great in wanting to get together, not everybody was there, but from the ones there, we have 3 babies to go!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

We're going to play a little game!

Okay so from Robin's comment yesterday I have been inspired to start a baby poll! Everyone can play and the winner will win a lovely compilation cd made by yours truly.... (but really I'll get Jer to do it because I'm pregnant and I can)
So here's the details...
1) pick the date you think the baby will be born
2) pick the time you think the baby will be born
3) Pick the sex you think the baby will be
4) pick the weight you think the baby will be
5) and for fun, pick the amount of hours you think I will be in excrutiating mind numbing pain (from start to finish)
So send your entries flying and I will post them all in the next blog - as soon as you get them all in!
Good Luck to you all!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Okay, mabye baby come early?

I'm feeling much much much better. I still hate sleeping at night, because
a) jer still snores
b) I miss my tummy sleep
c) my hips KILL
d) my back KILLS
e) I pee like 7 times a night ( and I am NOT exagerating at all)
f) my stomach hurts if there isn't a pillow positioned just so under it and getting a pillow just so is really hard when you are HUGE as a HOUSE

as you can see, i am getting to the point where i really would like this baby OUT of me.
I loved being pregnant and all loved being the operative word.
But now I'm done.
But hey this nesting thing rocking, I cleaned my house sparkly shiny today.... ya it'll be dirty again by morning but i just love clean that's so sparkly shiny.
Now I'm going to vacumn, are you sooooooooooooooooooo excited for me!
Okay I apologize for this boring post but mabye something fresh will hit me tommorow!

Monday, February 05, 2007


There's 25 days left.
And still cannot get the sounds of the screaming in pain woman out of my ears.
Not sleeping well, ( at all)
What else can I do to keep my mind off this baby.
I can't stand that there are still 25 days left.
+ side .... at least i'm not an elephant.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Why I havn't blogged part deux / Full Dress Rehearsal Nasty gown that exposes butt edition

Hello all, I just got back from the Maternity ward where I spent three long days. Strapped to a fetal monitor, a contraction meter, an IV that took three flipping nurses three times to finally poke me thanks to my obscene dehydration caused by my liquid jet stream poop. Fun times. Oh yes and I got a fever, I was only allowed to eat Jello, oh and best of all I shit myself at about 3am on Friday night, that my friends is an event to remember. What's even better is having your husband wipe your liquid shat bum ( with the gloves provided of course) because you are two fat and tangled up in every electrical baby monitoring and iv liquid providing machine there is. Oh yes and then you finally get all settled into bed in a clean not shit stained gown and non shit stained sheets and are just about to doze off, when from somewhere down the hall you wake up to hear AAAAHHHHHH, AHHHH, H, HH, AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAH......... AH. ....HHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
for like 45 minutes straight. As I turn to look my husband in the face all i see are my intensley magnified, dialated eyes reflecting in his intensley, magnified dialted eyes. And we just hold hands in the dark waiting for the pain that is being inflicted upon this poor woman to cease. And I tell Jer, I want an epidural. He tells me your stronger than that. I tell him in a little louder and sterner voice.. If i ask for an epidural you give me an epidural or you will never see the child inside me for as long as you live. He agrees and we fall asleep to the sound of a new born babies first cries.

*side note. No that is not Henna on my big ass belly, those are stretch marks, as off this past thursday I choose to label them bodacious, baby induced badges of HONOUR.