Saturday, August 18, 2007

6.5 months post finally complete after 4657 sessions later!

Baby love, you are 6 whole months old, you turned this the day after your auntie caitlin and uncle paul got hitched in Nelson.
I am quite the bad mommy for missing your 5 month milestone - but baby we've been just too busy having fun this summer!
Well my love you have begun to roll over more often now, you did it once back when you were 4 months I think - but haven't moved since. But on our little "holiday" (if you could call traveling with a 6 month old a holiday) you rolled from your back to your tummy for the first time! Of course we didn't see it but we found you a second after it happened and it cheered us up immensley! Today you rolled twice so we now think it time to start child proofing everything in sight, meaning the fun mirror that you LOVE to look into above your changing table, sorry bud it's got to go.
You have definatley got into the hang of cereal now - and eat rice and oatmeal no problem. On our trip we tried avacado and that was a no go - then last night I tried a jar of carrots and you really didn't dig that either, so today I made you fresh carrots from our family farm and you LOVED THEM! You loved them so much you finally pooped - it had been three days and we were starting to worry, you pooped 3 days worth - all over your shirt, overalls and up the back, but this time your daddy and I were prepared for it. You see while on holiday in Couer d'alene Idaho - on a boat cruise of the lake you pooped so tremendously much - and since there wasn't a baby change table we had to change you on the front deck in front of all the peeps on the cruise. At first we thought the poop had just gone up the back and a little on your shirt - but no sir - it was in the armpits, the ears, the neck and your hair, your nana was laughing as your daddy and I were shaking not knowing what the hell to do. Anyways we got through it -and wonder if diapers are so darn expensive - why dont' they hold stuff.
well my love you are now going to sleep around 8 - 9ish at night - and last night you slept for 6 hours straight - HALLE HALLE HALLELUIAH! we got up at 3 and then put you back down until 6 then I put you back down until 8! Yippers!
-------- side note ----
it is taking me days to write this post and I am constantly coming back to it when I get a chance - just so you all know - we are NOT getting 6 hours sleep any longer - that was a one night and one night only thing - we are back to getting up every 3 hours!
but we know it's for a short time so it's okay!
Okay so now - I have to scratch out the whole beginning part about you rolling - like I said I am slowly updating this post every second I get which are few and far between! YOU rolled today! You rolled for the first time from your back to your stomach and then back on to you your back! you are about 6 months and 2 weeks but officially you are 5 months 3 weeks because you were early so I say you are doing pretty darn well.
You have also due to the introduction of solid foods been nursing much much less during the day - you would rather play or look at the interesting growing world before you. But you still can suckle happily all night long so we are going to try to work on that next.
Most of all love you are turning slowly day by day into a little boy. Don't get me wrong you will ALWAYs and forever be my little baby, but you are becoming a little boy. In your little smiles your little coo's your giggles. You chatter non stop some days and I LOVE it! I know you get it (finally finally) from me! You chitter and chatter, you blow raspberries, you squeal with delight and you are just a pleasure to be around. People weren't kidding when they said this time goes by so fast. It goes by lightning fast. But I am happy to say I honestly don't think I have missed one thing. I treasure every waking moment with you - and non waking moment too (there are quite a few of those my dear)I snuggle up with you every morning nap and regardless of me choosing to nap with you, or to just stroke your hair and kiss your forehead over and over again, or to simply inhale your beautiful milky sweet scent, for that hour every day, I fall more and more in love with you. The vacumming, the dishes, the floors, the counters, the garden, nothing else is as important as just being with you. It has proved to be a wonderful lesson, and one I intend to hold fast to with your brothers and sisters as well, (as easy as that might be with you running around!) I cherish every second of every day with you, because they like you are gifts. The best gifts I have ever received, and I thank your daddy every day for them. Cole my love, we may not have the most fashionable clothes, or the new minivan parked in the drive, we don't own a house and we may never, but we have each other, every second of every day of every week, and I intend to use all those seconds loving you, and loving you and loving you, because your all I need to get by....

Friday, August 03, 2007

I'm still here! But won't be in about 6 days....

There has just been no time to post blog entries... the summer has been too busy, too fast and WAY to much fun so far and we havn't even left for our vacation yet! I feel bad I missed Cole's 5 month letter so I will pick it up at 6 months... because we are on our way to a little bbq now and as soon as the mister wakes up we are outta here, again. We've been pool partying, waterparking, strolling through Steveston, and just hanging with all his buddies, so I thought I would post some of those fun loving times here first as a special treat before facebook gets them!