Wednesday, November 16, 2011

and the season decends...

I never cease to be amazed at the power of simplicity. The art of living simply but Intentionally. This last weekend/beginning of the week has been hard. As in kids had fevers, flu, now hacking wet shake in your boots coughs. And Jer and I had little sleep, not just because of the kids being sick but also because when Remembrance Day hits we HAVE to stay up and watch Band of Brothers. Over the course of the weekend but from start to finish. So we did. And then we paid for it. I seem to be straying, back to simple living. We were running around in frenzied craziness with sick kids, and trying to fit in every last thing we HAD to do. Then last night I said NO. First to Cole's soccer practice last night, then my choir rehearsal last night (last of two before our concert GASP) then today Cole's pre-school and any idea I may have had to get out of the house. Today we rest. We eat chips, we bake, we play with little people and we decorate our mini christmas trees, we craft with glitter and glue and dollar store horses, we take naps, we listen to christmas music, we watch christmas cartoons, we play some more, we read books, we make smoothies, we dance, we enjoy. Our lives are full. But full in that different wonderful delightful way. By just saying no, i feel such peace and my kids feel it too. And this extra time at home affords us some time to make all those crafts on pinterest we never have time for! It also affords our imagination some fun as we find ways around our "no getting out the christmas boxes of decorations until after Jer's bday" meaning not until December 1st! But that doesn't mean we can't make some new ones! And forage for nature decorations! So we did. In the beautiful sunshine yesterday, my wee brood and I went on a nature walk and collected chestnuts (the last of them) pinecones, and evergreen. We now have a christmas table tray with our antique green oil lamp, some boughs of evergreen that cole stuck in modeling clay, and a candle. It's lovley and smells even more so. We also took out our christmas craft from last year - the snow globes! If there's time we may make some more, but this years craft is creating a winter wonderland on our desk under the tv. We glittered up some plastic horses from the dollar store for it today. So even though we havn't gotten out the boxes christmas has made it's way into our home! Now we just need to get crackin on our gifts. Luckily we only buy (make) for our immediate family members, and our God children. This year thanks to Pinterest - I have all my supplies for my sisters gifts, Jars for moms and dads and grandparents, and I just have to get crackin on my god-kids gifts by finding some small pieces of wood! Oooh i love this time of year, I just have to remind myself what it's all for and to Keep it Simple!!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011


Baking cookies with my boy. I am sick. Baby Girl is sick. We are making happiness today, to make up for yesterday which was a VERY bad day. My little mixer turned to me with messy hands and looked up with me and said "mummy I just love baking with you" Then as we were taking the first batch out he says " mummy how come the red snake isn't at the bottom of the oven" The red snake? Ya you know the red snake that's usually on - This whole time my sweet boy thought the element was a red snake!
Love how their brains work at this age!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

In Praise of Stay at Home Moms

Lovley Lovley this off a friend. A man came home from work and found his three children outside, still in their pajamas, playing in the mud, with empty food boxes and wrappers strewn all around the front yard. The door of his wife's car was open, as was the front door to the house and there was no sign of the dog. Proceeding into the entry, he found an even bigger mess. A lamp had been knocked over, and the throw rug was wadded against one wall. In the front room the TV was loudly blaring a Cartoon channel, and the family room was strewn with toys and various items of clothing. In the kitchen, dishes filled the sink, breakfast food was spilled on the counter, the fridge door was open wide, dog food was spilled on the floor, a broken glass lay under the table, and a small pile of sand was spread by the back door. He quickly headed up the stairs, stepping over toys and more piles of clothes, looking for his wife. He was worried she might be ill, or that something serious had happened. He was met with a small trickle of water as it made its way out the bathroom door. As he peered inside he found wet towels, scummy soap and more toys strewn over the floor. Miles of toilet paper lay in a heap and toothpaste had been smeared over the mirror and walls. As he rushed to the bedroom, he found his wife still curled up in the bed in her pajamas, reading a novel. She looked up at him, smiled, and asked how his day went. He looked at her bewildered and asked, 'What happened here today?' She again smiled and answered, 'You know every day when you come home from work and you ask me what in the world do I do all day?' 'Yes,' was his incredulous reply. She answered, 'Well, today I didn't do it.


Thursday, June 02, 2011

Being Me

This is really a bit of a rant. I have no time to make proper sense of it all and let it follow a beginning middle and end...I just wanted to speak to this issue for my friend Karen and for all of us struggling to be just that..."US"

Just home from my regular beautiful Thursday morning with the ladies. We share a lot, we talk, we commiserate, we find solutions, we support all amongst delicious homemade treats and coffee. Our kids (over 18 months) play in the good shepherd drop in centre on site. One friend shared what a lot of us stay at home moms go through at one time or another. She shared her feelings of inadequateness as a homemaker, a housekeeper and a child raiser. I know I been there. And I'm sure I will again. Life is hills and life is valley's and sometimes the road is filled with blue skies and flat dry roads scattered with flowers, but other times it's raining or hailing and the roads are slick and the grade steep and narrow and filled with all these ducks crossing 6 lane highways. Being a homemaker is a job. It's a job I take very seriously. Just as someone who clocks in at a 9-5 would take care to do their best, meet their goals, keep re-educating themselves with up-grade classes by reading books and studying thier craft, as do we as homemakers. Read up on parenting books, read up on organizational blogs, talk to other homemakers and how they make it work, we are always studying, and we are always learning. Getting frustrated with the "kitchen that only stays clean when the kids are either not at home or asleep" the "never ending laundry" the chore that becomes finding time for mom (because all good mamma's need mamma time and it is NOT selfish and most definatley needed to be a good mamma) the cries that need attending to amidst cookies that are burning and the other child NEEDING the potty and needing it NOW. It's the crumbs that get vacummed once a day OR once a week depending on temperment of all who live here. It's the bums that never stay clean, (and faces and hands for that matter) the tantrums the windows filled with dirty fingerprints and the transformers that line the bathtub in my "paris only" themed bathroom. It's juggling, it's prioritizing, it's battning down the hatches for the storms to pass, it's the multi tasking, accepting that writing a blog post will result in about 6 interuptions and being okay with that. I once commented to a friend that me slowing mine and my family's life down and getting back to basics is really helping us and making us happier. Really spending time on people who matter, people who are real and true and give back, has meant cutting out people or parties or playdates that have no "nutritional value" so to speak has made me feel at times that I guess because i can't do it all, means I ain't no super mom. To which this dear sweet friend replied, actually I think it DOES mean you are super mom. Because you are putting your family and your priorites first and only. You aren't wasting your precious time on this earth with "the time vampires" as i call them. And those words stuck. Just because your windows have fingerprints on them doesn't mean your not a good housewife, it means you have kids that live in your home every day, and for that I am reminded to be ever thankful. When the laundry never ends, it means I still have these sweet beings sharing a roof over our heads, and this sadly will not be the case in 15 or so more years....When they are gone and moved in with their boyfriends, girlfriends, wife's or husbands or life partners, I will have ample time to blog without interuption. At that time Optimus Prime lined bathtubs will be but a memory. So we live in the now. And that is what is so hard. I am constantly torn between being the person God made me to be, and finding my niche in society. My dear friends call me the "hippie mamma" which makes me laugh because to them I am so different from the norm, from the mainstream society. I am the crazy mamma who wips her boob out wherever to feed a hungry babe (or toddler) I sew and create and sing and dance and wear more costumes than clothes. I make my own laundry soap and my own granola. To many in mainstream society these are things that don't happen so frequently (sadly) Finding that balance was what I thought I had to do to make it work. And part of that is true, but more than anything it was finding the confidence to be me. To be different, to be unique to be who I was put on this earth to be. And since accepting this it's made it so much easier to just get on with life. My home is rarley spotless. As I scan the living room I am embaressed to admit their are four articles of clothing strewn about bits of breakfast, lunch and snack laden beneath my girls high chair. The dishes are piled in the sink because dancing in the living room to Abba brought me away from them. The fingerprints are ALWAYS on the glass windows, but I also see my big boy loving on his sister. For today there is hugging and kissing and dancing. Tommorow there may be tantrums and melt downs but for today my road has no hills, it's dry the blue sky is sparkling and the sun is beating down on my pasty white skin. One kid is jumping on the couch the other tearing out every SINGLE DVD we own out of the cupboard. And I don't care. Because my priorites are in order. Their bellies are full, their pants aren't full a poop, and they are happy. And that makes me happy...

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

holding her first dolly

At Little Friends Pre-school mothers day tea....making fathers day picture frames!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Radical Homemakers - Notes

This isn't really a blog post. It's more of a jumble of quotes from this amazing book I've been reading called Radical Homemakers. I have to return the book to the library tommorrow and had about a bajillion post it's stuck to it's pages that i wanted to record. I figured this is my outlet, and because i don't share my blog with many, i feel safe in sharing these thoughts. I havn't connected so strongly with a book for a long time, and her words are still jumping out at me and resonating me with each day that passes upon finishing it. To some these ideas may seem "too out there" but for me and my family all I want to do is start!
So take these as you will - I just wanted a place to jump from...

Radical Homemakers have chosen to stop investing their life energy in any employment that does not honour the four tenets of family, community, social justice and ecological balance. Instead they invest themselves in the support of family, community, and environmental stewardship so that those things, in return, will pay them lifelong dividends.

"A thatched Roof once covered free man; under marble and gold dwells slavery"
- Roman philosopher Seneca (3BC 65 AD)

"To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest" - Gandhi

We have confused more money with a better life...

We buy take out and fast food when we don't have the time to cook dinner. We buy luxury goods for our loved ones as a substitute for spending time together. We wind up cash poor and time destitute, while corporate America accumulates our wealth

We are too focused on working and earning money - and not focused enough on family and community

Temporal Abundance buys far more daily pleasures than a paycheck can provide

Americans now spend 6 hours a week shopping and only 45 minutes playing with their kids

The pursuit of affluence, the ennoblement of excessive work and hyper indicidualism are not manifestations of the American dream, but causes for a national nightmare

Eschewing "enrichment" centered around piano lessons, pre-k soccor, ballet, karate, and play groups, these families value the ability of kids to just "be" and to learn how to truly play. Plain and simple.

Education has nothing to do with what money can buy, it has everything to do with capitalizing on childrens innate inquisitiveness and desire to learn. Encourage children to be independant thinkers. To make their own decisions, not follow the crowd, to be able to resist the media. My idea of success has nothing to do with job placement...

Having time to play, and use their imaginations is going to prepare them more than pushing them into reading earlier, excelling at piano or whatever..

A - I don't believe in pushing kids into these really structured activities before they are ready. Let them determine the pace.

A - I want to produce my life , not buy it...

"my greatest skill is to want but little" - Thoreau

Enjoy what you have, feel as though you have enough of what you need - enough True wealth (family, friends, community, nourishing food, interests, security- make the products and overtime work a day world seem repugnant and utterly unnecessary

Nothing is cheap that we do not want - ben franklin

Never let your schooling get in the way of your education

Be involved in your life! People have gotten away from the creative parts of life, and have gone to the consumptino parts. So people listen to music, but don't create it. They go to restaurants but don't cook the meal themselves. There is something fundamentally satisfying about being involved in your life, whether it's making music or making food or whatever - Kelly Robideau

The Pleasure is in the doing! Our national confusion over what constitutes pleasurable activity contributes to our unhappiness. Without the joy of becoming fully involved in our daily lives, things are less meaningful. - Kelly Robideau

To lead a life of one's own design takes courage.... Radical Homekers

We need to come together, we need to build community and we need to stop with the video games. We need to shut off the tv, we need to start reading and thinking and talking to each other.... I want to change my culture - Diedre Ianelli

D.I - Set aside our fears and muster the courage to live a life we truly believe in will help create a a world we can all live in

How thankful I am to have the oppurtunity to choose this life. To build and nourish friendships, to share these fleeting days with the loves of my life, and to find jedi's in my succulents.....

Friday, May 20, 2011

To make - Food Edition!

I am so inspired by this amazing book I have been reading - Radical Homemakers and I have some high hopes for this summer of my "things to make" food edition!
Am hoping I can complete all or almost all of them by September!

Granola - at least every three weeks
Yogurt - am going to try my hand at making it from scratch!
Strawberry Jam - Let me know if anyone knows of somewhere to get cheap strawberries!
Bluberry Jam - From the Koop family Bluedelphia farm
Applesauce - From auntie Henriettas apple trees
Can Pears - Found this quite easy and so delicous last year! Again if you know of anyone who has surplus pears let me know!
Tomatoes - Trying my hand at patio tomatoe plants!
Challah Bread - mmmmmmmm!
Frozen Peppers
Canned Tomatoe sauce
Canned Pesto

We'll see how much we get done

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Cultivating Community & Making Time For your Most Fullfilling and nurturing friendships

Jer and I were in the car the other night....driving somewhere, can't remember. And I was thinking out loud (which means I'm talking - which is pretty much what i do best) And out came something that has been festering for a few weeks. It came about with all the books I've been reading....and blogs I've been following that seem to have the same ideas as me on life, and child raising etc anyways I came to the conclusion that I am happy. So happy. Like really happy. And I finally know who i am.....again. By again I mean I havn't felt this fulfilled since ten years ago at theatre school, when i knew who i was and where i was going. And I'm there again. It seems so trivial when you speak it out to the internets. But it was an awsesome revelation for me. I finally have found my niche. And I am so very happy. My picture of a life may differ from so many but it's mine and i am loving it, embracing it, proud of it and most importanly I am enjoying it. So fit in the title of this post, I have discovered my second commandment so to speak from following the book the happiness projet. I came up with it a month or so ago and it's been quite a factor in becoming aware of my happiness. I have had to say a few goodbyes to aquaintances that were not true nurturing friendships and I have made time (wether I felt too tired or not) for the friendships that are two sided, that nurture me that are important to me and that i couldn't imagine loosing. It's been busier but not really. Because I have given up the time I dedicated to my so so relashionships and have spent that time with the goodies. Setting up specific friend nights has been amazing for me and for my family. Jer gets awesome quality time with the kids and the kids get a mommy that comes home to them rejuvenated and happy and refreshed and ready for the next adventure. Tuesday nights after choir have turned into wine tasting at lisa's, every three weeks or so have become dinner with the "core" where it's just me and some of my besties, and every month or so has turned into brunchies with another bestie and her beautiful expanding family. Play dates have gotten to be quite selective with the people my family and I absolutley adore and feel uber comforatle and happy with. If my last's years slogan was "Pick your Battles" I think my this years slogan has got to be "Quality not Quantity" what a difference a month makes!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cell Phone Etiquette...

okay so mabye I am a little out of it because I REFUSE to text. However I do have a blackberry - (that sadly i do not use to it's full potential but i digress) But I am getting more and more infuriated by bad cell phone etiquette.
You know the ones, you are visiting a friend and she's like flipping beep beeping away and click clacking along and your like HELLO i am right here, IN THE FLESH visitng you because you invited um could you mabye put that thing down - and while were at it could you mabye put it in the next room, because every time it buzzes or does whatever it does you like jump five feet in the air and it's kinda making me want to scratch my invisible itch..
or the ones who are constantly checking it to see the latest whatever while you are in a full blown rehearsal? Sitting next to you is annoying. I want to be moved, not because of your singing but because of your constant clacking...sweet jebus.
Then there's the movie goer iphone addict...i pay big bucks to go to the movies. Actually i rarley go anymore because i would rather see movies in the comfort of my own home and without the sticky soda resin left on my converse. However - when sitting in a dark movie theatre your screen (that you are checking at LEAST every 6 minutes and 5 seconds LIGHTS UP and blinds my delicate eye tissue. So STOP.
Oh i could go on...the iphone addict driver (plentiful in the beautiful city i call home) - the I'm in a public toilet texter, the smart phone stroller pusher (watch your ankles with these folk) but seriously am I just being a big fat cow or are these people hella annoying. I mean really what is so important when you have me, amy koop in the flesh....

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Happiness Project

So If you've checked out what's on my nightstand, one of the books I am into right now is called the Happiness Project. It's fairly simple and straight forward but has some awesome tips, resolutions, ideas and things to re think about living life to it's most awesome potential - reaching your personal height of happiness!
And I am pondering what my list of commandments will be to start off.
And here's what I think my first one will be!

1) strike up some serious silly's everyday (i think we all need to be a bit less serious in our everyday and make more time for some goofiness. It leads to laughter and that leads to some serious endorphin release that hello adds to the happiness factor. Today I impemented about 2 minutes of silliness (only two minutes) with cole on the swings at the park, the results were huge - because he started laughing uncontrollably and with a grin that only a cheshire cat could match, I in turn started laughing, and because we were laughing and being goofy baby K couldn't help but giggle her lil heart out in the stroller!

so only 9 more to go!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

oh sheesh it's almost May!

Things have been busy. Between our wonderful month of sickness, we have been adventuring out more and more. Cole has had some wonderful extra days at pre-school with things like - class picture day, cinamazoo day, eye exam day, and all sorts of extras. Kyrie has had her 12 month shots, and a week or so later a lovley night at childrens hospital with her mother who must surley love her to bits to endure 12 straight hours in the middle of the night (not sleeping) All is well and all is good, just a high fever and some funny breathing.
We have been crafting, (for Easter, for spring, for birthday's and just for everyday) we have been thrifting (mamma has found some amazing vintage sheets that were oh so perfect for a baby girls crib! And a lovley vintage duvet for the bottom bunk that matches PERFECTLY with the grandma made pillows! The kids room is really coming together I am thinking I may post some pics! We have still been on our purge - donating more toys, clothes, and generally just stuff!
WE (I) painted and finally made our master bedroom a haven after three years of living here with it being dubbed "the dumping grounds!" Will have to post those pics too! Now it is beautiful and one of my favorite places to read and rest and reKOOPerate!
We have been bike riding! Oh yes as soon as Kyrie hit the one year mark or wait i think it was a week before that we suited up and went on our first family bike of the season! GLORIOUS, then a week later we went again! We have been spending a LOT of time at the beach, wether it be Gilberts beach here around the corner (with the amazing fort!) or east beach in white rock - The beach has become our new playground and i LOVE it.
We have also started watching the sunset from our roof every evening after dinner (if not out for a walk or at the park) And it has been a beautiful way to unwind as a family after a busy day or doing. Cole loves being on the roof - I love the fresh crisp before bed air (and so does K) And we all head down to start the routine of bedtime with a wee bit more energy and patience.
Here is a pic of our glorious roof top sunset....
We have been walking more, singing more, gardening more, dancing more, definatley reading more and springing more! As soon as I don't have a cute baby girl banging on the esc key I will post some pics - but I am alive and well and wanted to let you all know!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

On Living

I saw this today on one of my favorite sites, I'd LOVE to print this at a printers and frame it and keep it in my room as a constant reminder of how i want to live. Because this my friends is how I would LOVE to live every single day....

Friday, February 18, 2011

The Many Cakes of Cole

This First one was beautifully contructed by my sister Jessie

This one I went a wee bit wedding overboard on for his party and of course decked it out with Wall-e figuries (Cole LOVES wall-e he says because there are no bad guys)

This one was made for Cole's little bday celebration with lola and lolo and ron

and this one was honestly just scrap cake from making the three tiered one - mamma just got creative and made it a "C" cake! Hee hee

4 Cakes for 4 years??? I hope this tradition doesn't stick!
Ha ha!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Our Third Bedroom...

Today is a day for snuggling. My sweet K has been feeling under the weather (she's definatley on the mend) but I am feeling a wee bit of a tummy rumble (that better be gone by tommorow) so today we are snuggling in our "new room" By new room I mean the bottom bunk on Cole's new bunk beds. This new bunk has become my haven. I had NO idea how much a bunk bed could change my life! With having two kids in a two bedroom, this little peaceful retreat has become my sanctuary. When Cole's gone to bed up top, and K's asleep in our room, and Jer is watching something in the living room, and all I want to do is curl up with a book, I head here. To the "cave" as cole has dubbed it. I sewed up some curtains, and strung up some white lights and I bring my tea and a good book here for some me time. Best idea ever this bunk bed!
So today we snuggle and read ooooodles of robert munsch books....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I have a crawler...
and my life will never be the same!
Sweet K is teething up a storm and is my vampire baby (fangs for teeth but nothing in the middles!) but not for long because she just broke her front left tooth today!

Friday, January 21, 2011

to do's....

- cover Cole's roller shade with fabric
- Paint out the valance
- re-cover umbrella stroller
- print out Cole's birthday photo's for birthday banner
- remove nasty brass hardware (including ceiling lights) spray with oil rubbed bronze krylon
- sew up freezer cover
- paint dresser
- make dresser pulls with label cards with pictures for Cole
- button wire heart wreath
- button wire jar jewels


is right around the corner
- salt dough hearts
- Heart doilies with white lights garland
- red fabric heart wreath
- sugar cookies in the shape of hearts
- fill up pickle jars with hearts! Spray paint lids with chalk board paint - labels
- heart shaped meringues
- tissue paper rosette hearts
- valentine tag love cards

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I love you Peter Walsh

some nights as i lie in bed with my sweet baby girl ( yes we are in co-sleeping heaven) I talk my journal entries out loud - well out quiet. It's so weird, but i am the gal that also cannot set her alarm for 5:45 or 6am or 7:30 it must be for 7:37 or 6:24 or 5:42. Strange but true. I digress. It's like I want to breathe what I'm thinking or feeling and emote into the universe, and sadly i don't have the time to actually get out a pen and write. At least not when I think of the stuff. So i sat down to try to recreate my out loud middle of the night journal entry and um ya well no dice. So instead you get my latelies....
I am having a love affair with Peter Walsh. You know the aussie (ithink) that de-clutters and is the organizer extrodinaire. I fliiping took out three of his books from the library and a book on cd, and can i pulease tell you that if you are a mother and have no time to read - there are these things called books on cd and they will change your life! I pop in the cd and listen all the while cleaning up the breakfast tornado and get dinner going all at the same time. I HEART BOOKS ON CD.
Okay so now you know what to get me for my birthday. Anyhoo, i love peter walsh. I think he may have changed my life.
You see more than a few years ago, Jer and I had a lovley flat in white rock. And by lovely it was LOVLEY. Our entire dinning living room was windows and those windows looked out onto the ocean. Just ocean. The kitchen window framed mount baker. Paradise. Except that is was old and cold, and you could hear the neighbors, but damn if the rent was unbelievable the landlords loved us and hello did i mention the beach two streets down. So in this wee flat we started out romantic life together. And we slowly accumalated stuff. And of course decorating styles change with time, so back then (also because we were living on the beach) our theme was beachy. So along our mantle above the fireplace i had mason jars filled with beach rocks and candles. Long story short - when we moved 4 years later to the house, I COULD NOT PART WITH THE MASON JARS AND ROCKS. My jessica kate oconnor made imense fun of me, but i seriously could not part with it. I was chained to my stuff. I felt my stuff defined me. Fast forward 5 more years. We have moved once more. This time from a three bedroom home with a garage to a 2 bedroom apt. No garage. And i was forced to downsize. I did but not much. I still wanted to keep everything. But hello - add another kid to the mix or something and i am on this de-clutter you life kick. And i can not stop. We have gotten rid of a hallway bench, a huge mirrored shelf thing, OODLES of toys (because seriously no kid needs THAT many toys) clothes, fabric (yes that one was hard) three diaper boxes of kitchen stuff (what was i doing with all that???) and this past new years a big huge armoire that used to hold our 20 year old sony that FINALLY bit the dust. And okay finally coming to the point of my story, I HAVE A WHOLE NEW LIVING ROOM. A HUGE new living room. A living room you can dance in, roll on the floor in, play horsey in, have more than 4 people in. It's paradise. So anyways i am finding massive amounts of freedom by getting rid of my possesions. If it doesn't serve a function or is so breathtakingly beautiful then it goes. And my gosh i feel like i've gone from 950sf to 2000. All by getting rid of stuff. Peter Walsh you are my hero.

Monday, January 10, 2011

is having a lazy day
You know when you are having one of those (long overdue and long deserved but still you feel guilty about them) lazy days. Well I'm having one today and probably will have to have another one tommorow. You see I am still sick, and I truly don't like to use this outlet to complain and mope and be-atch, because truly I am using this outlet to documment mostly the beauty that is in my life, no need to focus on the negative. So yes what was i saying oh yes am still sick. Been sick on and off but mostly fully on since november. Last i checked it was january, and truth be told i am slightly ever so sick of being sick, however (and here comes the silver lining) being sick has it's perks.
- i am forced to go to bed early (both by not being able to hold my head up and the hubs)
-I don't have to drive to my bootcamp (this can also be seen as a negative but...)
-I can stay in my pj's and glasses and nasty hair and purple housecoat that my husband calls "the grimace"
-I can keep my kids in their pj's
-I can let the older kid watch t.v all day (okay not all day - we normally do NOT allow more than 30 minutes a day so this is truly a treat) i said NORMALLY
-Meaning I don't feel guilty at all about surfing my favorite blogs and jotting down all the projects i will create once i can breathe out of both nostrils
-sit on the couch and rest my eyes while baby is sleeping and eldest is being babysat by the telly
-not feel compelled to scrub the toilets, or wash all the dishes, swiffer the floors, vacumn, make the beds, put the laundry away, wash the laundry, clean the windows and so on and so on and so on

So there you have it, the positive side of being sick and making it excuse me but it is advil and tea time and a round of memory for me and my boy while the baby is asleep....

Saturday, January 08, 2011

tin can lids...
lot's of them...thinking diy...

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

New Year - List Part one

So 2011 is it....well you know i love me some lists, so what better way to start of the new year, than with some lists of things i would like to accomplish this year.
I am just going to *fly* with this so bear with me in the lack of categorical organization. Here goes:

~~Re-organize my Kitchen, top to bottom. I have a junk drawer and two completley unused drawers that are filled with crapola.

~~Tin the Kitchen Ceiling. I found some sweet martha stewart 3 dimensional wallpaper in the pattern of old tin and I think it would look fantabulous on the ceiling in the kitchen!

~~Decide wether I want to re-paint my royal purple kitchen or not.

~~Paint my master bedroom. I have some swatches picked out am thinking a lovley light and airey mauvey/purply with hints of grey OR a light and airey turqouisey bluey green

~~Either give up and toss all my plants, or start fresh and actually water the darn things

~~ Sew up curtains for Coles' Bunk Cave (fabric is ordered and on it's way!~ i love me

~~Finally finish knitting my half finished scarf (possibly before winter ends...)

~~Sew up a wee curtain for our old new entertainment unit we put together for our new plasma (merry christmas to us love you mom and dad!)

~~Side car the crib we finally got to our bed (possibly tonight) and yes our wee babe who is almost 9 months has been happily co-sleeping with us her whole life, am NOT ready for her to be out of the bed fully so am hoping that this side car thing will work out for us! fingers crossed

~~Make homemade granola more than once every 3 months, mabye once every month?

~~Get accepted for a nexus pass and make monthly trips down for grocery stock ups (it is SO much cheaper and a great outing for the family)

~~Purge even more than i already have - I am happily dropping some dress sizes due to a great excersize regime and eating a bit more healthy (both of which i have NOT done all december) so i have clothes are no longer fitting me but i keep holding onto, it's time to say goodbye!

~~Stick hard to my excersize regime and really make time for me to work at this the results are wonderful

~~Read. I love reading and I do make a valiant effort to make time for it, but not as much as i used to. If i concentrate hard at not being so lazy and getting dinner going and all the other house stuff i would have OODLES of time for it and crafting later in the evening.

~~ Read more to the kids. As of right now we read three books every night before bedtime, but i would like to fit in at least 2 or 3 more during the day. Cole LOVES being read to and he is getting so good and re telling the story back to me. I just have to make more time for it.

~~ Say no to more playdates. In the beginning of the school year, we started out with 2 - 3 playdates a week, a day a week of pre-school, and a day at the good shepard drop in. It's too much. And i have realized this past year, it's okay to not be doing something every single day of the week. I deserve (and the kids too) at least a day (or mabye two) a week where we *gasp* just stay home. We stay home and do crafts, or stay home and vacumm, or we stay home and listen to good music and dance around the living room, or we lay in our pj's and eat yogurt on the carpet, whatever we do we just stay home. and it doesn't make me any less cool, and it doesn't mean we have no life, it actually makes life a bit easier, less stressed and definatley run more smoother.

~Create a crafting corner somewhere in this just under 1000 square feet lovliness we call home. I'm thinking on the other side of our china hutch in the dinning room. Just a wee shelf or little little little desk against the wall, with a pull back curtain mabye, just a little space where i can possibly attempt to keep all my stamps, and punches and papers and stuff. (this may not happen for at least 9 months or so with the wee one beginning walking soon)

~ Make the rag rug i have been working on (ever so painfully slowly) I have oodles of old clothes i just have to cut them all into strips (mabye while watching all 7 seasons of oz that we are so obssessed with) and then sew them all together, roll into a ball, braid and then rug. I can't wait for this one. I want to make one for the kitchen, and mabye one for our room, and possibly one gigantic one in the living room!

~ Make sillouhette prints! I have been wanting to do this for a year or more, but i need to do this, this year. I have our lovley family photo in the hallway framed in a beautiful lime green frame (thrifted from the south-arm united church fall fair for the grand total of 1 dollar!) and think our sillouhettes would look lovely surrounding it.

~ Cover the deepfreeze in the playroom/enclosure with a funky fabric

~ Purge more toys - we don't need a quarter of what we have

~ Purge my bookcase that is bursting at the seams

~ Cook more meals from scratch. I am making at least one meal a week right now, and would realistically like to make at least 3 - 4 a week. That means with leftovers and weekends out we will always have a homecooked meal every night. I find it is so comforting for Jer to come home to a warm home, a home cooked healthy meal seems to make our evenings so much smoother, jer has leftovers for lunch and we usually do too, meaning no one has to make their lunches for the next day, and altogether if i take the time out of my day to do this our family life is better for it.

~ Use what I have in the cupboards and work meals around it. I was really good at this when we first moved here, but now I am getting lazy. Or am sleep deprived or something.But our cupboards are jam packed and I am always wasting money buying more stuff before using what we have!

~ Get back into walks. Before K Cole and I would walk into Steveston at least 4 times a week. We haven't done this in a while. I would like to make it part of our morning routine. Get up have breakfast, go for a walk. Walks are so wonderful, we get fresh air, and they are a fabulous way to teach young children. I find Cole and I have some of our best converstions while walking the dyke into steveston. He has questions and i have the time to answer him and teach him.

~ Stop buying stuff. Jer and I were in the car jus the other day and were both amazed that after weeks of holiday shopping (and we didn't spend much at all this year) we got into the habit that if we were driving somewhere it was to either eat out, or go buy something. We need to break the cycle of spending. We truly NEED so very little, and with all the crafty diy blogs i follow i can generally make most things myself, or find things at the thrift shop or craigslist if i really do NEED it. But I really don't need to BUY half the stuff i buy. It's just cluttering up our wee home and cluttering up my mind.

~ Which leads me to de-cluttering. We worked hard this past weekend and said goodbye to our beautiful wood television armoire and a bunch of vhs tapes we don't use and it felts so good! We have more light in our apartment, and more floor space for the kids to play. The less we have the more space we have to spend time together! Less stuff means less time cleaning said stuff, and putting said stuff away!

~ Blog more. I really do like having an outlet for life. I have a lovley orange leather journal jer got me for my 30th for the more personal stuff. But this blog really is my kids' baby books, and my record for life.

~ Spend waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay less time on the facebook. When I do have time for computer time, i would much rather use it following blogs i like and being on apartment therapy (most favorite website EVER)

~ Find more good music and listen to it

~ Run - i said i would start doing this more, but really i have done it so little and am really looking forward to making it part of my life. Even if it's just a 20 minute run a week it's something I would like to do

~ Write more snail mail letters. Doesn't really matter who they are to but i love to receive mail and i think it would make someones day, it's also very cathartic for the writer!

~ Take more baths

~ Paint my nails more

~ Fix my bangs. I was so frustrated with how the hairdresser mucked up my bangs I took matters into my own hands (as well as a pair of scissors) and um well, let's just say I didn't go to hairdressing school and can't cut straight to save my life...

~ Take time to put makeup on. I feel so much better when i have a touch of eyeliner on and would really like to take the time to do it!

Well I will call this part one because the babe is up and crying and I gotta go~!