Wednesday, June 27, 2007

My sweet 4 month old babe

Dearest Cole

You turned 4 whole months about a week ago - but we've been much to busy having a ball together this past week (either that or your mamma's addicted to facebook, i vote for the first one though wouldn't want to look like a bad mamma!) So I'm writting it now.

You are a real little (chubby) person this month. You Laugh, my God do you Laugh! It is the most precious and most beautiful sound in the world and even if I've only slept a mere 3 hours the night before if you laugh for me in the morning ( the wee wee hours of the morning) those 3 hours might as well have been 30. You melt my heart with your laughs, and also turn me into a blubering fool trying to keep getting you to do it!
You have also learnt how to squeel with delight and to talk. Not words, but latley you won't fall asleep always at the boobie, you like to be placed into your crib awake but drowsy and you chatter to yourself until sleep overtakes you and I think it is the most wonderful thing.

You also amaze many a mother - as since you were about 3 and a bit months you can full on stand. Your auntie Jessie can place you up against the ottoman at Oma and Opa's and we can fully let go off you and you will stand there! It is amazing! Absolutley amazing. And it gives me some definate bragging rights as most babies can't do this until 5 and a half months so you are well ahead of the game, also it might just make up for the fact that you wouldn't roll over.

BUT that changed this month actually two days ago, I had you on your dreaded tummy, ( you are getting better, you no longer scream as though we are sticking you with pins, at least not until a full 75 seconds have gone by! that's progress) anyhoo you rolled over from your tummy to your back! only once but I saw it, and I frantically searched for the phone to call your pappa to tell him!
Also if we walk you - you will not only stand but you will lift and move your feetsies! Which makes me think you will bypass the whole crawling stage completley and go straight for the walking!
We are still at a loss to what sleep is. You for a while were only getting up once at 3am and then up at 7 and it was HEAVEN. But alas and alack those days have passed and we are back to up at 2 up at 4:30 up at 6 up at 7 so I have taken to bringing you into bed with me the second time you get up, just so I can lay down while feeding your precious little self.
This past week we ran into a lady at the park - where we take you every night for a little walk in the stroller which you adore, and her sleeping baby was passed out in his buggy, she said she'd been feeding him rice cereal since 3 months and this isn't the first time i'd heard of the connection. So we are seriously considering feeding you some goodie goodie rice cereal sometime soon even though the new guidelines are to wait until 6 months... I am just sooooooo desperate for sleep my love and you are eating like every 2 hours again so my boobies just need a gosh darn break. We'll see , I'm still a little cocky over the whole , my babies 20 pounds and it was all my milk!
You are still the cutest thing I have ever laid eyes on and are getting cuter and cuter each day. You have outgrown a lot of clothes and we are now into 12 month onesies for ya! You big boy you! Your dad and I can't seem to get over how much we are so lucky that you chose us for your family. You make my day's the bestest days ever and I am so proud of every new thing you do, even if it's drooling all over yourself . Oh yes and you started blowing bubbles too! you blurber and blow and then you screech and you are just the happiest baby on the block!
My precious Cole, you amaze me every day and I am soooooooo happy that your here. I look forward to all the wonderful days ahead. You make me realize that it isn't riches or fancy cars or fancy clothes (although I am DESPERATE for new Clothes) or fancy make up ( although I am DESPERATE for new MAC colours) or fancy vacations, it's about the people in your life. And you my sweet are the bestest little person in mine. (your daddies the bestest big person!)
Happy 4 months in this wonderful world

Monday, June 25, 2007

I'm a little sad

Do you ever have those days where you just arn't where you want to be....
I'm in that monday morning rut. It's day's like these I gotta get my booty outside and breathe in some of that beautiful bc air.
Except it hit me today, this will be the first ever september that Jer and i won't be going to our cute little cabin on Mackenzie beach in Tofino for our fist ever anniversary with a baby.
And I'm sad
Sometimes I wish the rain would turn into 5 dollar coins....

Monday, June 04, 2007

Saturday, June 02, 2007

Been thinking. I know I've just had a child like 4 months ago, and don't worry there are no imediate plans to expand the fam just yet, but I have a question for ya'll out there. It was brought up in another blog I read that of course the decision to have more kiddies is based on so many different things to different for ya'll out there....
Do you base your decision on how large a family you will have ( ie: how many chitlets) on
a) money
b) how big your house is
C) The fact you love children (especially your own because their so freaking cute) and want to share the love with more of them

Which is the most important to you?